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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Because three yards and a cloud of artificial turf is boring. And by the way 3 things happen when you pass, two of them are bad
  2. He has absolutely lost it.
  3. New promo for the 2024 version of The Manchurian Candidate
  4. We saw Flower Moon this evening. Scorsese did a great job with David Grann's story. Both De Niro and DiCaprio deserve nominations. A lot of familiar faces in the cast as well. I guess the next Grann/Scorsese/DiCaprio movie has started production and should be just as interesting, the tale of the British warship Wager. I haven't started the book yet, but listening to Grann talk about the book has been interesting.
  5. One more Benetti article https://www.chicagomag.com/chicago-magazine/october-2021/the-storyteller-of-the-white-sox/
  6. Interestingly the Apollo 8 crew was the last mission crew were all members were still alive.
  7. That's what I get for reading message boards😉
  8. I thought Dirks did a decent job on the radio broadcasts.
  9. Just a gut feeling. They did an agreement with ML Soccer this season. Maybe me misreading tea leaves
  10. TBH it will probably continue to be a rotating booth. The mark of a good PBP announcer is get the most out of his/her partner. That was Shepard's biggest flaw IMO
  11. I need to start saving my pennies to get MLBTV next season. I have a feeling the T-Mobile agreement won't be renewed
  12. Hopefully the Tigers will add/subtract the second person in the booth so that Jason can develop a similar relationship that he has with Steve Stone
  13. And the mainstream media keeps worrying about Biden's mental attributes. Too much catsup on burnt steaks (and Diet Coke) rots the brain
  14. I got into a fight a couple of years ago with my pulmonary doctor over this. (Among other things) He had prescribed a drug that could only be issued thru a speciality pharmacy. At the visit after him prescribing the drug he asked how I was tolerating it. I told him I've never heard from anyone. He went off on me, telling me I should always answer my phone even though I didn't recognize the number. Turns out they never put the prescription in, same with a referral to another specialist. The guy dropped me after that visit.
  15. The last time I was back I drove thru Wall Lake. That village has to be the pot capitol of Metro Detroit. I think I counted 5 dispensaries and 'provision shops' on Maple alone
  16. Trump this weekend Now he's never heard of the guy
  17. It looks like Gov Younkin's coattails are about as bad as his jump shot
  18. Looks like the people have spoken in Ohio...
  19. I can envision two possibilities. 1) SEC 2) The way conferences are changing maybe a new Super Conference
  20. I find myself failing see charismatic and Presbyterian in the same breath. I can see several of the "newer" outgrowths of the church leaning toward what I consider charismatic in the sense of many of the Mega (not to be confused with MAGA) churches that sprouted beginning in the late 80s early 90s. Granted my association with any congregation ended about the time Brezhnev fell. Now I have heard stories of the "new" charismatics of the Catholic Church
  21. The post has been deleted
  22. Election Day in Va. State House and Senate seats along with several local races. Pundits are making it a referendum on Gov Youngkin and his policies, especially women and school choice issues. Could also be an early bellwether for 2024
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