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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. They get to go on TV. It's free advertising. And it beats chasing ambulances
  2. Ms Greene, maybe you need to look into a mirror. You just described yourself to a t
  3. The Trump campaign and Presidency in a nutshell
  4. Sounds like a threat to me
  5. From The Bullwerk and Jonathan Last today https://plus.thebulwark.com/p/the-anyone-but-biden-fantasy?utm_campaign=email-post&r=45wcm&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email Let’s play a game. I’m going to give you a bunch of results from this poll and then ask you to create a coherent explanation for them in the comments. Your challenge is to explain a worldview in which the following responses are internally consistent. Voters told the NYT poll: 56 percent have a somewhat unfavorable or unfavorable view of Trump. Asked who would be better for “democracy,” voters give Biden a 48-45 edge. 51 percent say that following the 2020 election, Trump “threatened democracy.” 54 percent believe Trump has committed “serious federal crimes.” 52 percent say they do not think he will be convicted of any crimes. Yet if he is convicted and sentenced to prison, then suddenly we get Biden 49 percent, Trump 39 percent.3 Asked if it would be “bad for the country” if Biden or Trump won: Biden would be bad for the country: 44 percent Trump would be bad for the country: 46 percent Again: The net voting preference in this poll is Trump 48, Biden 44. Draw me a picture and tell me how that all fits together.
  6. The Trump party vetoes Meijer
  7. This should be televised, sounds like a great comedy..
  8. One of the times I really miss Obama. Edit. I think this ties in with Edman's post earlier...
  9. Depends on which version of Taulia shows up
  10. Ask her about her brownie recipe
  11. Brutal, but u no hoo won't notice
  12. If it shows up on Aunt Tara's Facebook or Instagram accounts between the apple fritter recipes there's a chance
  13. Going after never Trumpers who are still inclined to regularly voting for Republicans. The long ad is designed to get online traction not over the air/cable play. edit.. Maybe not never Trumpers but those who are a bit fed up with current GOPers. I've seen where he mentioned his opponents vote against Wi-Fi infrastructure. That must be a key issue in his district, especially in relation to education.
  14. They won't vote for him anyway.
  15. Point taken. One more point about those decrying the removal of statues of Confederate "heroes" is that the vast majority of those erected throughout the South and other places were funded by groups loosely, if not directly, connected to the KKK or Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy. There has never been, in my knowledge, a monument removed from a battlefield. Just an aside, there was a recent article in the Washington Post about the Lee Statue in Richmond that was removed. It has been melted down. Evidently the bronze was highly contaminated.
  16. Especially in a busy political season. I think he's relying heavily on social media. Who really pays attention to ads on traditional media anymore?
  17. This is one heck of an campaign ad..
  18. While the Lee family were prominent in Virginia and the Ohio Company (then part of Virginia) Robert E was a tad late to the party. In fact Richard Henry Lee had strong anti slavery sentiments https://constitutingamerica.org/90day-dcin-richard-henry-lee-of-virginia-continental-congress-delegate-author-resolution-that-led-to-declaration-of-independence-signatory-guest-essayist-joerg-knipprath/#:~:text=On the topic of slaves,end the overseas slave trade.
  19. You would think with Jarred's $2 billion Saudi payout they could afford a sitter for the day.
  20. As usual House Rabid Jackals are lying about wanting to reduce the Federal Budget
  21. Occupied with getting JR sober enough to testify today
  22. He was too busy golfing and "Truthing" to stand on the picket line
  23. And neither one of them will cost us will either cost them $25 mil in cap space next year or be a half season rental. I really don't care. I can't see where either of the two Washington players did anything to improve the team the last 2 1/2 seasons. Same old DeadSkins
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