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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. I seem to remember a few rainy, wet, cold Halloweens in SE Michigan and the Chicago area the 30 years we lived there. 40 and drizzle here today frost in the forecast tonight. There's a reason we moved back "south"
  2. Young's injury history scares me. I really don't care if he's ruled healthy the first half of the season, I care about the rest of this year and any future years. He seems like a short term rental.
  3. It happens this time of year in some places
  4. I would rather see the PACs go the way of the dinosaur, however. I think they're a bit more dangerous than the corporations in the long run. Especially if it kills "dark money". I'd like to know who is donating to whom
  5. Nothing the Lions do will please TP
  6. Shot.. “Hawley plans to introduce legislation that would gut Citizens United v. FEC: ‘My goal is to get corporate money out of our politics,’ he said. His aim is to stop ‘corporate influence’ from ‘controlling our elections.’” https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2023/10/31/sen_josh_hawley_to_introduce_bill_reversing_citizens_united_149989.html Kicker.. BUT:The Hawley legislation would ban publicly traded corporations from making independent expenditures and giving to Super PACs while prohibiting them from cutting political ads or engaging in “other electioneering communications.” Ironically, however, it would not stop the conservative group that upended modern election law. Citizens United is itself a non-profit and, therefore, wouldn’t be affected. But we were told corporations are people too. (Unless you disagree with them
  7. They need to hype the sale of their racetrack property in Arlington Heights in order to fleece Naperville into giving them a stadium
  8. FWIW Mashable has a great side by side comparison of photos taken of the Crab Nebula. Hubble in 2005, and a recent shot from the Webb https://mashable.com/article/james-webb-space-telescope-crab-nebula It's about halfway down the page You can also see a comparison between the Hubble Space Telescope's view of the Crab Nebula (snapped in 2005) and Webb's new image. On left: Hubble's view of the Crab Nebula. On right: Webb's view of the Crab Nebula. Credit: NASA / ESA / CSA / STScI / T. Temim (Princeton University)
  9. A dollar short and a day late. That sounds a lot like the MAGA's
  10. 17 "Good guys with guns" could (or would) not stop one a-hole with a knife.... They should all be charged as accessories to the murder.
  11. A lot, even if Wash was willing to sell. I've read the starting line is at least a second round pick. He's spent too much time being injured imo
  12. The bar is so low for these guys they just may trip over it
  13. Somebody needs to ask the new Speaker “What would Jesus do ?” And ask for Biblical quotes so I can look it up in my King James Bible. None of those new fancy smancy ones for me.
  14. Bluesky seems to be slow on the approval of new accounts. Maybe because outside of here and a few FB friends I don't post much. Threads just looks like an extension of Instagram with a few add ons.
  15. Not a huge Dylan fan but his channeling of Leonard Cohen is haunting. For some reason I can't stop listening...
  16. Strikeouts are undemocratic, they're facist.
  17. he should be made to carry it full term
  18. I'll ad that I feel the same way about the pitch clock. Either always in use or drop it. I happen to like it, but different rules for the playoffs may be a deal breaker for me. Also ban the damn reporters from the dugouts and playing field during the game. The interviews were extremely annoying
  19. I say we start with the Beatitudes. I would wager a large portion of the Crazy Rabid Jackal Party think their Socialist propaganda
  20. I doubt if any current member of the rabid loon caucus in Congress has ever heard of John Locke let alone read his works
  21. The Caine Mutiny Court Martial. (2023, Showtime) The last "movie" directed by William Friedkin. Based on the original play in 1953. Keifer Sutherland in the Commander Queeg role, Jason Clark as Lt Barney Greenwald and a cast of recognizable characters. Lance Riddick was powerful as the presiding officer. It's been updated a bit, now set in 2022, using the Straits of Hormuz as the site of the Mutiny. The play is set entirely in the courtroom, except for the final scene. Sutherland makes a very credible Queeg, Clark is great as the reluctant, badgering attorney. (Note he had a similar role in Oppenheimer). It's worth watching.
  22. Somewhat related.Im traveling so I can’t get into it too deeply .
  23. As per usual the Party of Rabid Jackals puts Party over country
  24. The Stapleton name rings a bell. I remember some connection with Denise Illitch back before the family sort of exiled her from the Tigers
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