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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Matt Labash © 10h • Slack Tide by Matt Labash The two big stories of the day, Jim Jordan and Hamas, collide. Consider the similarities: You can't negotiate with either. Neither are capable of governing. Both are willing to blame others when they blow up their own side.
  2. More dribble drabble from the party that champions no responsibility. Just like their Fearless Leader
  3. He don't have the votes
  4. You'd expect a politician who wants to be a party leader would be at least competent at counting votes
  5. McCarthy just voted for Jordon. Could be significant for round 2
  6. They'll blame the Democrats. They always do
  7. Jefferies may have set a record for Speaker votes without being elected
  8. I have a feeling that was more McCarthy and Scalise than McHenry. McHenry is just a lieutenant in the MAGA Army
  9. Looks like he may have already lost Marge
  10. A tale as old as time. "Moderate "Republicans always cave.
  11. TBH I consider the political media/pundit class akin to the folks you watch, read or listen to on sports talk. In fact politics has been treated the same way for years. They/we can talk a good game and assume that we know better than the pros. But do we. One just has to take a look at Wagner's history on the media formally known as Twitter to perceive how she would probably vote. In the end you know she'd cave. The always do
  12. They definitely bit a few kneecaps this afternoon
  13. At least you get the game. I'm stuck with the Sharks and Jets....
  14. Moody misses 41 yd FG. Down Go the 49ers
  15. I agree, but at the same time many of the real republicans (as opposed to all hat, no cattle MAGAs) keep getting primaried. So we're stuck with performance artists or cowards who are afraid of speaking out because they would loose all those corporate "donations"
  16. Real Republicans from Va have their knives out tonight
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