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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Another tidbit from the Bullwerk Sound about right? Did I miss anything? Yet when Matt Gaetz holds the Republican majority hostage in the House and forces the ejection of the speaker because he made a deal to avoid a government shutdown the reaction is more along the lines of . . . So raise your hand if you think Republicans will pay an electoral price for this debacle. Or if you think that this instance of Republicans’ failure to govern will cost Donald Trump any votes when he faces Joe Biden? Please understand that this isn’t a complaint about media bias (though that’s real). It’s a complaint about voter bias. The public has asymmetric attitudes about Republicans and Democrats baked into their worldview. And this asymmetry is creating a danger for democracy. https://www.threads.net/@timmillergram/post/Cx_ATWVOEQn/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  2. I tend to be agnostic on guys like CMo. If we applied the standards that we're talking about Morris and others then guys like Jim Price would have no business in the broadcast booth as well. To take it a step farther maybe they should have kept Ralph Kiner and Phil Rizzuto out of the booth as well
  3. Tell me again what exactly Whitmer is running for. And whether I, no longer a Michigan voter, should care. Meanwhile Governor Fleece Vest is gallivanting across the country pretending not to run for anything (governors can't be re-elected here, unless they sit a term out). The election board thing is one of several missteps in appointments since he took over in 2022. This from a touted CEO who was being pushed out of his company. Just another reason, in my opinion, that business executives make lousy chief executives of governments be it state or national. By the way one can be a Never Trumper and still get fleeced by so called Republican businessmen.
  4. TBH I have not played close enough attention to folks in the booth lately to form an opinion outside of the Tigers broadcasters. I just want someone who is able to carry on an intelligent conversation. I assume we're talking TV so I really don't care for detailed PBP (like radio) and I don't want anyone who is over the top
  5. Here's the whole problem. None of these twits give a damn about the folks who sent them to Washington. They only care about clicks and favorable opinions from the "Righteous Conservative" Media gods.
  6. Honestly how many Republicans would vote to save Nancy Pelosi or Hakeem Jeffries if AOC or Shontel Brown had tried the same stunt as MG
  7. Michael Steele in Threads Those who are blaming Democrats for McCarthy's demise, tell me why on Earth 1 OR 2 would Democrats risk political capital with their own base to save McCarthy (who backs efforts to impeach Biden)? They didn’t petition to “vacate the chair” nor did they agree to change the rules to give that power to one member. And you know damn well Republicans wouldn't even consider doing any of that if the roles were reversed. So why would Democrats?
  8. The entire caucus is nothing but tweeters
  9. GOP Problem Solvers = oxymoron
  10. The "sane" Republicans want this guy for President. His entire administration the past couple of years has been a gigantic cluster.
  11. They need to put Matt Gaetz up just to watch him get smeared
  12. I would love to see the judge (or any judge in a Trump trial) to pull a Julius Hoffman and physically gag Trump ala Bobby Seale in the Chicago 7 trial
  13. This has become the best part of the week recaps
  14. Dan Hasty at work. Please let this be his audition tape
  15. The Dickerson/Dirks paring was great. A nice mix of analysis and player insight
  16. Love this bit from Matt Lewis, from one of his books, One of the most wealthy (and annoying) lawmakers is Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz, aka Baby Gaetz, a Republican who "earned" his position by virtue of his daddy's money. "Matt would be an assistant manager at a Walmart if it wasn't for his father"
  17. Thanks to my cell phone provider I overlayed the radio feed over the tv broadcast. Dickerson and whomever seem to be the perfect fit. Pre and postgame interviews and stuff is handled elsewhere. I think a lot will depend on the fate of Bally Sports
  18. Knowing the Tigers they'll simucast the tv and radio broadcasts
  19. I think he's also asst GM in Erie. I think it depends on whether he wants a career in the front office or play by play.
  20. The wild card in this scenario is who the MAGA's would pick for Speaker. Getz has been pushing for DJT since they took over. DJT may be the only person the crazies might agree on (and you bet he'd jump at the chance.
  21. I admit having a bit of fun with a couple Packer fans Sunday. Group shows up at the info desk at CW, one guy was wearing a Packers cap. I just made some comment about it being a great game Thursday. Then I said at least they weren't Bears fans. They were good about it and we had a nice chat.
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