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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. The pro 2nd Amendment folks keep missing the part about a WELL REGULATED militia. I would assume that would also regulate the types of firearms. You buy a military style weapon, you sign up for monthly weekend drills and spend part of your vacation at camp.
  2. Shut it all down
  3. You haven't scanned Nextdoor recently, have you. In fact not scanning it is probably a good thing. BTW, i'll use the self checkout if I only have a couple of items. Since I avoid places like Walmart and the Meijer stores do not exist where I live I have no problem waiting in line. In fact I get to read a lot of trashy magazines for free
  4. Goff was miked up on the "jump" after his TD. Priceless
  5. The same people who complain about immigration are the same folks who complain that they can't get reservations at restaurants, have to endure self service checkout, can't find someone to clean their house on a regular basis..... Yet they're willing to forgive tax breaks for the people who have more $$$$ the majority of the country.
  6. Let them keep their guns, tax the hell out of ammo...
  7. The immigration issue has been going on for over 500 years. If the Powhatan Indians had been stricter on immigration maybe the country would be in much better shape today. Imagine letting the trash of England ruin the country. You could say the same about the Spanish scum in what is now Florida and Mexico. Not to mention that trash from France and Portugal.
  8. More from the so called party of family values Any contributions from the Billionaire Class. How about taxing bribes to congress critters and Supreme Court justices. I suggest the rate starts at 50%
  9. His son Val is a decent guitar picker. Tours with Jackson Browne and Jach****
  10. At the same time and this point in his career does he really crave the responsibilities of a head coach. He excels as DC, maybe it's another Peters principle example. A bit like Marty Morningweg
  11. And there would be employers willing to pay the under the table for jobs Americans don't want to do.
  12. Get your shot then wander down to 2 Booli for lunch
  13. I'm scheduled to get mine tomorrow. But knowing CVS who knows
  14. Somebody was very cranky last night. They must have shorted him on French fries and Diet Coke...
  15. Dolphins up by 50 over the Broncos. 70 points two points shy of the DeadSkins in 1966
  16. At least the Nixon Watergate guys took their documents home to burn...
  17. Presenting another quote from Real Men of Genius
  18. Roger Craig was a big proponent of the split finger fastball. He was the Tigers' pitching coach in the 80s (under Sparky). He managed the SF Giants after his time in Detroit
  19. Way to go John...
  20. The day before Trump brings his traveling "medicine show" to town
  21. But what's a 92 year old billionaire to do with all that spare time on his hands? https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cxd724cvru0/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  22. Let me just throw in that if you had gone into the business thru the minor league route you probably would have been making less money to an Arby's assistant mgr.
  23. I think the biggest problem is these dealerships get so big and so focused on selling cars that they tend to forget that service goes hand in hand with customer loyalty. You can also say the same for the customers. Pre Pandemic we had a great relationship with a local dealer. The same sales rep for 10 plus years (3 cars). The same with the service manager. Now it seems that a lot of these places have grown into Super Sales lots while their service facilities have not kept up.
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