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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. i wonder if Bronco Mendenhall is ready to get back into coaching. At least on a temporary basis. He might be a good choice in the short run
  2. I agree it was Palin. I don't think she was ever properly vetted. She had that Mama Grizzly thing and being female was thought to help McCain against Obama. Once she hit the trail the self entitlement, me first, grifter thing came out. She hurt McCain's chances in the long run (his actions during the banking meltdown didn't help) But the current section of the party that became Trumpers loved her.
  3. True, Trump would/will never admit guilt. After all it’s hard to be humble (and truthful) when you expect everything to be handed to you on a gilded platter
  4. I think that's a big part of the equation. In a perfect world where DJT was disqualified from running for whatever reason I could see Biden step aside and possibly endorse a Klobuchar/Buttigeig ticket. They were the two candidates who stepped aside in 2020 to finally clear the way for Biden. Give Harris a prominent role in the cabinet. Not my idea but one I heard recently on the former Thomas Jefferson Hour podcast . Once again in a perfect world in that galaxy far far away Biden would offer to pardon Trump if he voluntarily drops out of the race. in return Biden would do the same. But alas, it's not 1974...
  5. How fast are charging stations becoming mainstream? I don’t remember seeing any at state run rest stops in Virginia, Ohio, or even the Welcome Center on I-75 in Michigan. Hotels seem to be slow about adding them as well. I don’t remember seeing any this week at the “convention” parking lots in Grand Rapids this week. I know DTW has a few. I’m not sure on the policy for travelers who use them on a long term basis. Do they turn their keys over to someone to move their car while they’re in Florida or wherever
  6. The crybaby is on a tear again. Very presidential sounding... And I call bull**** on the campaign disclaimer. We all know where this came from
  7. Is that grass at Soldier Toilet or did someone call 1-800-Empire.. Looks as ugly as the teams
  8. We haven't had a good Dad Joke in a while At a funeral a man says to the widow, "Mind if a say a word?" "Not at all,” she says, “please do." He stands up, clears his throat, and says, "Comprehensive," then sits down. She responds in tears, "Thank you. That means everything."
  9. I think I've just found the Tigers next TV PBP guy
  10. BTW back in the day many of the "trouble makers" found their way to a couple of nearby "Military" Academies.. for better or worse.
  11. My wife was living in Norfolk, Va during the integration battles of the late 60s. He parents considered sending her to live with relatives in Pennsylvania rather than go to an integrated school. I was in a SW Virginia county during the early years. Surprisingly things seemed to go smoothly. We moved to the city of Roanoke the Spring of 1968, it was still early in the process as the "black" high school was still operating but the transition was underway. Heard lots of noise about protests and potential fights, but nothing developed the two years I was there and the process was completed.
  12. Do they still qualify for tax exempt status yet receive state and/or federal funding?That's always been one of my political peeves. The money that goes there takes away from those who can't afford private tuitions, yet waters down the level of scholarship in many, if not most, public school districts. Granted it might create a two tiered system (haves in private, have nots in public) but why should I help fund a church supported school that already receives numerous tax breaks?
  13. The last time my wife flew she brought COVID home with her. It was the first day of Spring Break and DTW was an absolute zoo. She has one of those dreaded trips this week. A last minute invitation to speak at a conference in Boise ID Friday. We’re going to be in Durham Thursday morning for a doctors appointment, I’ll drive home after dropping her off at RDU, then meet her plane in Detroit Saturday before driving to another conference in Grand Rapids that begins Sunday. Back home at the end of the week. A lot of driving for me, but it beats her trying to rent a car in Detroit and another flight back to Richmond. With her luck she’ll catch something on the plane, the dog will come down with Kennel Cough and I’ll work up a nasty case off driver’ toe
  14. Probably about the same as the chances of Biden having a bicycle collision and Trump choking on a piece of over done steak
  15. Now seeing that flight are resuming. Hoping everyone makes their connections
  16. I really don't care whether Jr ODs in NY, Miami or DC, and not wanting to get into a pissing contest over both sides do it.
  17. Why anyone is still flying with this company is beyond me. Then again i'm not sure if the is any airline i trust anymore
  18. Just finished Good Night Irene, by Louis Alberto Urrea. It's historical fiction based on Urrea's mother's experience as a "Donut Dolly" during WWII. These were Red Cross recruits that followed the troops during WWII, Korea and Viet Nam. Most of their history has been lost. Urrea wrote the story based on her papers following her death. Like most vets she never talked about her experiences when she was alive. Irene and her partner Dot pilot a 2 1/2 ton truck serving coffee and donuts (and other things) to front line troops. Including Battle of the Bulge and the "opening" of Buchenwald. It's basically a distaff version of Band of Brothers.
  19. David Grann was one of the featured authors at the Library of Congress annual book fair a couple of weeks ago and talked about the book as well as his latest The Wager. The book is the history of a British sailing vessel that was supposed to intercept a Spanish ship off the Chilean coast in the mid 18th century. The Wager was shipwrecked and thought to be lost. Grann has written about the voyage, struggles and some of the survivors. He has an option for a new movie with Scorsese and DiCaprio.
  20. The Dodgers bought the LA Pacific Coast league franchise the year before the move, giving them first dibs on the LA market at the time. The Browns had done that perviously. The Giants had originally planned a move to Minneapolis, where they had a minor league team and first refusal rights before the Dodgers convinced them to move to California. Possibly the idea of having two franchises on the west coast may have been more convincing to MLB at the time.
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