I tend to agree with a lot of this but also feel that what you are exposed to growing up and as an adult also has an affect on where you lean on issues. As a Boomer I came of age during Viet Nam, lived thru both Kennedys and MLK's assignations between the ages of 12 and 16, throw in Watergate and the Wars Iraq and Afghanistan.
Also as an adult I've moved several times, became aware of customs and points of views that I wouldn't have been exposed to had we stayed in SW Pennsylvania as a youngster or SW Virginia as an adult. My wife and I have traveled a bit which I think also changes the way you perceive things. I see people who never spent more than a week or so any significant distance where they were raised. Associating with many of the same folks they went to high school with (on both sides of the aisle). If you live your entire life in a bubble, your views become more and more one sided as you age,