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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. I'm old enough to remember pink paper ballots. I can't remember whether there were envelopes or not (probably were) and we dropped them in a big metal box with a slit. After the poles closed the old(er) ladies (who worked every election since Roosevelt) counted them by hand. I never remember anyone complaining, except maybe my grandfather who had to fend for himself at dinner time.
  2. I think I may ask my local school system to ban the Bible from libraries. Stories of infidelity, incest, murder, mayham. Nothing under age children should be reading or even learning about.
  3. That's basically what I thought. Thanks
  4. I wasn't in Detroit during the whole Ernie kerfuffle. Just curious, based on what I've read and a little "inside knowledge" of the media. Who was actually behind the decision to replace Harwell? Did Tom Monaghan hold a grudge? Did the decision/suggestion come from the flagship radio station? Or was Bo being Bo. Would it be correct to assume there might be a couple of issues over Ernie's contract or an upcoming one?
  5. Fifty years ago tonight….
  6. Same boat, maybe it's age related. I do occasionally get out to a few of the local festivals or weekly offerings of the region. A couple of "swing" bands have got my attention. If you're ever in the South Atlantic region, check out Good Shot Judy. It's the one group I've seen that has groupies in the 50-70 crowd. The dance area is always full. One of the local churches brings in an eclectic collection of musical fair, from Scottish Folk to groups like the Harlem String Quartet (which has ties to the Ann Arbor based Sphinx origination
  7. I tend to agree with a lot of this but also feel that what you are exposed to growing up and as an adult also has an affect on where you lean on issues. As a Boomer I came of age during Viet Nam, lived thru both Kennedys and MLK's assignations between the ages of 12 and 16, throw in Watergate and the Wars Iraq and Afghanistan. Also as an adult I've moved several times, became aware of customs and points of views that I wouldn't have been exposed to had we stayed in SW Pennsylvania as a youngster or SW Virginia as an adult. My wife and I have traveled a bit which I think also changes the way you perceive things. I see people who never spent more than a week or so any significant distance where they were raised. Associating with many of the same folks they went to high school with (on both sides of the aisle). If you live your entire life in a bubble, your views become more and more one sided as you age,
  8. He's totally lost it...
  9. Steve McQueen on a motorcycle jumping fences. What not to like. It's right up there with Bridge over the River Kwai and Stalag 17
  10. "First amendment rights for me and screw everyone else" Motto of todays "Conservatives".
  11. Like a boss, mob boss that is
  12. The proper term is Vladdy...
  13. I can think of a couple of possibilities (some not that realistic). 1) If and when he's convicted the government should seize Mar a Largo. Build a wall and turn into a Trumper's Paradise. Change it from a resort to a prison, bring in whomever the government is using for food service, and House Trump, co conspirators and all those convicted in connection with the Jan 6 Capitol attack. Throw in anyone else convicted of similar crimes. 2) GITMO is still a possibility... 3) Camp David seems to be under used recently. The perfect place for the Trump Crime Family to spend their remaining days. 4) We've got a place nearby here. Camp Peary, also known as The Farm. I'm sure there is a small cabin there that can be used. Also a few people who have ways of finding exactly what Kompromat Vlad is using against him.
  14. Mike Pence is now selling campaign merchandise. Tee shirts, mugs, etc that say "Too Honest" https://dailycaller.com/2023/08/03/mike-pence-campaign-releases-merch-quoting-donald-trump-indictment/
  15. We had a cat that was in cahoots with the dog. There would be a loaf of bread on an island in the kitchen, too tall for the dog to get to, we'd come home and the bag was on the floor. I swear the cat pushed the loaf to the floor. Can't trust them.
  16. With cats it's a love hate relationship. We had a couple I tolerated them.
  17. At the same time you would think he would have conversations with the powers that be (Hinch, other front office personnel, etc) about what actually transpired last year (regarding his going AWOL and not communicating for extended periods). I think he went for and thought he had the best deal and assurances only to see it go south at the last minute. TBH I've situations like that before, you make a hire only to have them back out the morning they're supposed to start. Or take a job only to find out after giving notice that they've moved on to someone else.
  18. Been wanting to post that for a while, thx
  19. Tim Miller is spot on....
  20. He’s still a putz
  21. I agree. Also my question for the Archies, Stans and DPVs who push MAGA propaganda. If O’Bama had lost in 2012 and did the same stunts as his successor in 2020 would you have been as forgiving https://twitter.com/danpfeiffer/status/1686546654684729344?s=46&t=Hkcls71g8OYK4gqVoqRrnw
  22. Rudy G…Now a noun, a verb and Big Tits
  23. Et Tu Michael…two days in a row now. He actually may be totally off the T Train
  24. This, but at the same time unless something has changed LAX is probably the worst airport I've ever flown into/out of.
  25. Thats probably it. Got my locations mixed up
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