Was trying to remember when Salem, Va entered the Carolina League. I guess it was 1968 or so. The Pirates had their Appalachian League team there prior to that.
I got to thinking a bit about the "Small Town" thought. We lived in the Chicago area for 10 years, worked Downtown, 20 years in Metro Detroit. There is a substantial portion of the population in both areas that give the "you weren't raised here, you're not part of us vibe"....very much a small town attitude.
Currently where we live could possibly be considered small town. But between the military population and the number of retirees moving it's a different vibe. Unless you talk to long time locals.
This NYT Newsletter addresses it a bit. The assumption that a small majority of the NOTA's would lean toward Biden. I have a feeling we're looking at something similar to 2016 where a majority really didn't want either candidate. Biden's age (nobody seems concerned about Trump's age and BMI) as well as choice for VP could play into the calculation as well.
i'm not sure if this link will work, but here goes
Baseball Reference has him with the Tigers in 1967. Purchased from the Pirates that spring.
I'm seeing the Rangers are looking for a starter and reliever in trade, they're hoping to get both from one team would a combination of Rodríguez, Lorenzen, Cisneros, Lang or Foley be enough to target Acuña and possibly another prospect?
So it's apparently it's ok to join a riot, break in and vandalize the Capitol. But a small group of under paid interns taking pictures of the Capitol dome drives a Trumpublican Congress critter bat**** crazy....
And yet the still turn a blind eye to Jared Kushners shady $2B with the the Saudi's