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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Joe Big Coal needs what he is to get elected. Just like every other politician. If I lived in White Sulfur Springs, WVa, I'd probably vote for him over some bible quoting, false profit Trump lover. That's life, stop making everything black and white.
  2. Manchin is a conservative Democrat, or what we used to call Blue Dogs. He's also a Big Business guy who used to run a coal company. And a life long politician who will talk out of both sides of his mouth to get re-elected. Another 75 year old running for office. Exactly what this country needs.
  3. Have you actually looked at Manchin's voting record, seriously? He's from By God West Virginia. As MAGA as they get.
  4. Who gets mail delivery on Sunday night? Sounds like he spent the weekend avoiding calls from his so called lawyers.
  5. From what I've read is that Manchin or whomever the "No Labels" candidate is could receive enough of the voters who voted for Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020 to swing the EC to Trump. Look at it as another Hillary/Trump election again.
  6. Or maybe detain the other indicted individual until his trial. That includes no rallies and no social media posting. Anyone campaigning for him should be charged with jury tampering
  7. I'll never grow tired of all the losing. Just waiting patiently for the big one the puts the Trump Crime Family away for good.
  8. Not to mention the false outrage over whatever comments Peter Dinklage made. Just remember he drinks and knows things.
  9. Seems you missed the days of drooped trousers, burning copy, and such. i heard tales of one young lady who when seeing a jock lay a private part on while teasing the news nonchalantly used her fist as a hammer...
  10. I admit progressing a bit from my days of picking up an extra large cup of 3 hour old swill from my local 7-11 on my way to work at 4:30 AM. I made the mistake a few weeks ago of ordering a flavored brew from a newly opened local establishment that had a pop up at our community clubhouse. I was supposed to be chocolate something or other....back to the basics.
  11. Let me see if I've got this straight. Absentee ballots are bad unless your a member of the Trumpublican Party who saw your members get their clock cleaned in the last election.....
  12. I'm a bit surprised that the common nickname for Richard was bleeped in my post
  13. If you look at his reference scores on Baseball Reference he's in good company. Gil Hodges, Frank Howard, Boog Powell,...pretty much all big first basemen. Standard for the era. Age wise it's interesting, a lot of similarities to **** "Dr Strangeglove" Stuart and Jim Gentile
  14. I've been playing the on line modified version a bit lately. You can tell when you have no chance of signing a player who just ties up your player budget. I won't even get into the asinine moves your assistant general manager tends to make.
  15. Looks like it’s spilling over to the baseball team Not a big fan of The Score, but if true the whole sports department needs to be cleaned out
  16. So we just dropped our cable service and kept their internet. The problem is these companies know they have you by the short hairs because they all signed long term contracts with local communities guaranteeing them a monopoly nearly 50 years ago. We eventually managed to break the Ma Bell Monopoly, why are we still stuck with cable/internet monopolies?
  17. Another SS/3B Carson Rucker
  18. From the article: There appear to be at least three forms of this public political/governmental sociopathy present today. The first are those individuals for whom sociopathic tendencies are deep-seated and a core feature of who they are – the former president being a prime example. A second form includes the scores of Republicans and right-wingers who have decided to play the role or act sociopathic for their own personal gain. This includes hard-line MAGA members such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Kari Lake and Matt Gaetz, who decided to infect themselves with contagious sociopathy. The third group with contagious sociopathy are the passive enablers of widespread acts of manipulation and cruelty ranging from long-serving, establishment leaders like Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) all the way to the throngs of people clad in Confederate flags and MAGA idolatry whose inaction and permissiveness serves as a large-scale petri dish by which contagious sociopathy can flourish. It cannot go without mentioning that the processes of cultism are at play here as well.
  19. I was sitting in left field that afternoon. Forgot completely about the line drive aspect. Ground ball makes a better story
  20. Sean Casey (the only player I've seen get thrown out on a grounder to deep left) has been named Yankees hitting coach for the remainder of the season.
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