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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. I had the pleasure of seeing her on stage in Blythe Spirit several years ago in London. Classic play, marvelous actor
  2. But Liberal women are looking for intelligent men. Most of them prefer to remain single, not that I blame them
  3. WOW!, 36 year old Angela Lansbury. I really need to seek this out again
  4. He's always acted like the smartest guy in the room. He should be forced to defend himself. Comon, he says he graduated with honors from Penn
  5. For some reason Warren Zevon’s Lawyers, Guns, and Money is playing in my head Only it’s Trump’s voice
  6. Then there is this. Curious to see who gets it
  7. Yep. Been there, done that. Then there’s the person who follows the smokers and sprays the entire studio with extra strength Lisol
  8. Or working in broadcasting in he early '70s. Sometimes you couldn't see the microphone for the smoke, not to mention ashes. How much of that crap got imbedded into the asbestos filled soundproofing? I'm talking small market stations where the boss usually did the morning show then went out to sell ads..
  9. Trump has always been able to "buy his way" out of trouble. Even when he was in serious danger of losing Trump Tower, the banks decided it was too much of an expensive White Elephant to actually foreclose and make him vacate. He's a rich self entitled jerk who has never actually been punished, and serves no apparent us to society at large. But he thinks he's the King of the World. (Until his meetings with Putin. Watch his body language when the two are in public. Trump looks like a scared little todie.
  10. They’re Republicans in creeps clothing
  11. Plus we’re all getting old and and have no energy to spend two hours complaining about something we can’t control
  12. We had neighbors that basically did that. Right down to the day that the wife wasn't sure whether her husband had set the lawn mower to the right height and said she needed to measure the grass with a ruler. I'm sure she also used a level to make sure the bushes were trimmed properly. Every day, they had no life outside his job (he was an automotive engineer) she stayed at home. They very seldom took a vacation. Life is too short..
  13. Christmas music and movies should be restricted to the month of December only. The only movie I watch is Lion in Winter. It's the only movie that reflects what actually happens at Christmas time.. edit For those not familiar, it's the 12th century version of Succession
  14. DeSatin(us)has no empathy whatsoever...he's a robot, the perfect AI candidate for the party that used to respect veterans..
  15. Not to mention digital pictures we've saved to a cloud somewhere and have no idea how to retrieve them. I have several pictures of a trip to Hadrian's Wall that are on a cd in a box in the garage... I have no idea where the portable cd drive is..
  16. If you read the article it looks like the "darling" of the right is rapidly losing favor..
  17. Couldn't they give you a corporate card? Then you can pay the company back any incidentals if there are any.
  18. You'd think an expensive classy resort would have better protocols for things like draining a pool. You're probably better off staying at a Days Inn.
  19. I've often pondered buying a camera lately. Then reality strikes, the shots I take on my phone probably aren't much different than what I would get with a decent camera. Plus I don't have the extra baggage to carry around when touring. Throw in the fact that a lot of our walks include a dog, I'm usually the one holding the leash...
  20. More Lenny Randle If I recall I think he also may have broken his manager's jaw at one time during his career..
  21. It's not just Detroit, I've seen it in other cities as well (caugh, Chicago) Sports fans and media can be very tough and critical of outsiders. Anyone who replaced Harwell in that situation was bound to fail.
  22. For Rathbun it was also probably a giant cultural leap from SE Virginia to Metro Detroit. I knew his wife before they married (I worked briefly with her) and I've read she had an extremely tough time. I think she lost a parent as well during the time they were in Detroit. For youngish broadcasters if you are not from Michigan or Detroit it's hard to adjust to the market.
  23. Actually they both went on to decent careers. Rizzs with the Mariners and Rathbun with Atlanta’s Hawks and some college basketball on the side. The both happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. As an aside, Rathbun also worked a bit with Gary Cohen, they shared sports reporting duties briefly. Cohen was just inducted into the Mets Hall of Fame
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