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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. I don’t see much of the Detroit/Michigan press theses days outside of a daily Axios briefing. Just wondering how much blowback there is up there from Liz Cheney’s or Mark Cuban’s appearances at the Detroit Chamber’s Mackinac Conference. Outside of the usual regional pols, the outside speakers tend to run more in the direction of business friendly Republicans. Liz and Mark don’t seem to fit the current mold. I heard Cuban dropped a few F-Bombs (and the old hotel is still standing)
  2. For some of us old timers Cynthia Weil has been the soundtrack of our lives. Great hits like You've Lost That Lovin Feelin and Under The Boardwalk along with a host of others... RIP https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2023-06-02/10-perfect-cynthia-weil-barry-mann-songs
  3. I had mentioned the catcher out of Virginia earlier. Also given Harris' history with the Giants one would think a catcher like Teel would be on his radar. Then you look at SF's recent track record with Bart and Bailey. I guess it boils down to who you think has the best and quickest chance of making it to the bigs.
  4. That's about as far as I got. He seems to have been a good producer as evidenced by Morning Joe and its predecessor and his work with Colbert. That doesn't necessary translate to head of a company. My feeling is there are too many chiefs in the CNN/Warner corporate structure and not enough competent middle management folks. The other problems arise when news operations are expected to be a profit center. The hay days of news operations like CBS, NBC ABC were when they weren't expected to be profit centers. I'm also not sure CNN can ever get back to their "hay days' when they were owned by Ted Turner, then they were basically the only game in town. Like most media, those days are long gone.
  5. CMRivdogs


    Just trying to figure out whether it's the Forum or a browser issue. I've been getting full page popups for ads shortly after first opening a page. All forums. The most annoying is one that features a spin to win wheel that does not go away until I close the entire page.
  6. Fact: Chick Fil A has had a diversity chief for a few years now. https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2023/chickfila-hire-vice-president-diversity-equity-inclusion-dei/ The good news is with these guys joining the far left boycott the lines will be much shorter. FWIW, I don't agree with a lot f the company's political philosophy, but I do appreciate their efficiency and good customer service. If I boycotted every company I had philosophical differences with I would be forced to live in the middle of a forest in a tent manufactured by a LBGQ friendly company based in the US and made with natural fibres...
  7. He was sandbagged! At least he didn't need to be held going down a ramp
  8. To me the biggest drawback to streaming services is the eventual cost of wide-band streaming services. Cable companies still have us by the short hairs if you're looking for enough bandwidth to accommodate several devices, plus the cost of each service. The cell phone companies promote "inexpensive" 5-G plans, but it it really enough to provide what we want if you're in a household that still relies on things like Zoom as well as using the service for entertainment?
  9. I'm too far away in age to know what or what is not being taught in regards to Separation of Church and State in public or private schools, let alone universities. My belief that the Establishment Clause of the Constitution stemmed from the fact that while we were once British subjects we no longer recognize the Anglican Church as the main decider of religious beliefs and the church should not be the the deciding factor in secular issues. This reasoning allowed other religious sects (Catholics, Jews, Presbyterians, Baptists, Moravians and so forth) to practice their beliefs without fear of repercussions. This is something that the loudest of conservative christian sects do not understand. They have a right to practice what they believe, they do not have the right to force it on others.
  10. Windex cures everything....(and I'm not Greek)
  11. We are now starting day three of post Remembrance Day observance. A weekend where we bbq cows and pigs in remembrance of those who gave their lives allowing us to have a big celebration and attend sales at big box hardware stores. ( The Bible has a verse somewhere about rejoicing a death). The flags are still out because patriotic Americans are too lazy to walk the 50 or so feet to the end of their driveway and pick them up and store them in their overcrowded garages. It has also rained the past several days, I seem to remember something about flag etiquette during my Boy Scout days long ago and far away, something about flags and inclement weather (The flag should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement, except when an all weather flag is displayed.) Yet we have a our tidy whiteys in a knot over gay and trans people having fun...
  12. In my defense, it's like calling a guy from Ann Arbor a Spartan..
  13. B-b-but Hunter's laptop. (or something)
  14. And businessmen have been notoriously bad as elected executives...
  15. I've seen one prospect report comparing Teel to Patrick Bailey and Omar Narvaez. A good hotting catcher prospect who is also capable in the OF and 2B https://msabr.com/2023/04/12/2023-mlb-draft-prospect-profile-kyle-teel/ BTW he's a UVA guy, not VaTech..
  16. This may end up becoming a nothing burger. Initial thoughts are if there's smoke might as well look for a flame or two... https://frontofficesports.com/white-sox-and-bulls-owner-acquires-controlling-stake-of-stadium-network/
  17. It's a townhouse community, the placement is between the sidewalk and road. I really don't consider it a big deal other that the fact it was done in several subdivisions in the area.
  18. We were out of town Friday and most of Saturday. Came home and the small flag was at the end of the driveway, small not saying it was from our state senator and other republicans in the region...several of them candidates. I'll keep it there, no big deal, I probably prefer an insurance company or real estate agent. I'd feel the same way if it was the Democrats. This is a holiday that remembers those who were killed in service, I'm not crazy about the commercialization. And to Romad1's post, yes this a very big military area. Nearby is the Navy Weapons Station, Fort Eustis and Langley. Not to mention Camp Peary, otherwise known as The Farm
  19. I would like to commend the local Republican Party for supplying flags for the end of our driveways even though I still believe it was an empty gesture. That has been the only thing of substance they've done in the last two years. We the people deserve more.
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