From the Google machine..
At the Loons’ home park in Midland, Mich., the timer is operated by a rotating crew of four retirees and five high school and college kids on internships. At Classic Park, the Daktronics All Sport 5000 Series Control Console is run by Brian Solar, a semi-retired former Federal Reserve Bank vault teller who was brought on as a seasonal employee.
“The ump doesn’t tell you when to start the clock all the time,” Solar said. “You have to have your own sense of when it should start. So if there’s a base hit out to left field and they throw the ball into the shortstop, it’s kind of up to you to decide, ‘OK, now start the 30-second clock between batters.’ You have to develop a feel of not doing it too soon. Because if you do, the ump is going to signal for you to cut the clock.”
So it’s an important job. Solar takes it seriously, meeting with the umps before each game to go over hand signals.