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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. As an ACC school, I'm really not sure where Va Tech fits. Possibly Big10 as well. They should play well with other former Agricultural/Tech Colleges. They're sports programs, have been mildly successful to a point. Right now struggling under new coaches. They still recruit well in state and with adjacent states, mostly as second or third choices however.
  2. And beating Va Tech...possibly Duke
  3. I can't see UVa competing in the SEC at all in football unless some huge improvements are made. They might be able to hold their own in basketball and some of the minor sports (maybe baseball, lacrosse for sure) I agree the Big 10+ makes more sense, They're probably on a better academic footing there. I think Bronco left the football cupboard bare when he left in 2021. I can't judge Elliott after last season (his first) they were struggling before they ended their season following the shooting. Whether it was the personnel or change in style, I don't know.
  4. https://www.motor1.com/news/667175/honda-stop-making-gas-lawn-mowers/#:~:text=However%2C that is about to,powered equipment effective September 2023. No dog in this discussion. Our smallish backyard is covered by the HOA. Wouldn't even need to recharge a battery if I had one. I still have a weed wacker (battery) however..
  5. I'm a fan of NPR's Tiny Desk Concerts, at least to the point of following them on Feedly. This is the winner of the 2023 Tiny Desk Contest, a couple from Utah. I don't epect them to be super successful, but I like the sound
  6. Trust me, they're everywhere.
  7. If my cable company wouldn't charge us more than what I paid for my first year of community college a month....
  8. With our luck it will be the one the Lions finally get to play in...
  9. And wait! There's More!!!
  10. Speaking of Witch Hunts... Damn Trumpers can't even keep track of their "witnesses"
  11. Yep, a big nothing burger. Just like the numerous Clinton investigations, Obama's tan suits and Biden's laptop. So when do we get to serous stuff like Mrs Kushner's deals with China and her husbands $ Billion deals with Saudi Arabia. Not to mention Trump's kickbacks from the LIV Golf flop..
  12. Nah, guy just has a small mental health/anger management problem that the QGOP refuses to fund
  13. Gibson was very good when teamed with Josh Lewin. I did enjoy it even if he was a bit of a jerk on his radio shows with Gary Danielson and Eli Zaret
  14. It sounds a bit like faux excitement, not a normal speaking voice or delivery. A common ailment in ex jocks who do a bit of Sports TV commentary. It's a nit pick and is completely curable unlike Jack Morris Disease
  15. Virginia QGOP making it easier to vote in several different states. https://www.npr.org/2023/05/11/1175662382/virginia-eric-withdrawal?utm_source=npr_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=20230513&utm_term=8415526&utm_campaign=politics&utm_id=65580360&orgid=&utm_att1= How many MEGAs are registered in NY or NJ or VA and FLA, TX,AL at the same time?
  16. I caught him on radio the other night. My biggest complaint was/is he's seemed to have developed the MLB Channel "breathiness" in his delivery. It's a bit like listening to a rock jock "puke" into a microphone. He's young (business wise) and that's something he can overcome. His insights with Dan were good.
  17. Trump was given a chance to testify, in fact he was given several chances but opted to go on vacation to a golf course in Scotland. If Trump was going to blame someone maybe it should be one of his vast team of law school dropouts.
  18. And broken treaties
  19. Not to mention a full scale investigation into the "business" dealings of DJT's daughter and her spouse. Her for deals with China, him for whatever he promised the Saudis and other countries he's received multi billion dollar deals (loans?) because of his father in law.
  20. I'm confused, aren't these the same guys who tell us that JFK (both Jr and Sr) deaths were faked?
  21. It really is Must (Not)See TV
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