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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. And broken treaties
  2. Not to mention a full scale investigation into the "business" dealings of DJT's daughter and her spouse. Her for deals with China, him for whatever he promised the Saudis and other countries he's received multi billion dollar deals (loans?) because of his father in law.
  3. I'm confused, aren't these the same guys who tell us that JFK (both Jr and Sr) deaths were faked?
  4. It really is Must (Not)See TV
  5. Thanks, I thought it was. Glad he signed
  6. Who's in the booth with Dan tonight? I like him.
  7. Another home run by Dingler. 4-1 Erie over Richmond. Bottom 4
  8. When the FBI finds the need to produce a video...
  9. Unfortunately there will be many people saying this.
  10. Yep he could sexually assault women 5th Ave and still not lose a vote...
  11. Trump walking on rape, found guilty of sexual assult...
  12. Bleed him dry...
  13. I used to joke I could get as much into the back of my Prius as most people could in an unsecured pick up
  14. I guess I really shouldn't put all the blame on Navy pilots, there's an Air Force Base nearby as well... It's something about making the transition from a jet fighter to being restricted to merely driving 70 MPH..
  15. True, and from an unofficial, non scientific survey on driving habits on the Hampton Roads Peninsula the #1 vehicle driven by assholes on I64 and the Va Beach Expressway. I would also conjecture most of the above mentioned are probably Navy Pilots. Note;I said it was an unscientific conclusion edit, I probably should add the survey area prolly runs from I-95 near Fredericksburg to the Va Beach oceanfront. Most of the offenders seem to have out of state tags; NY, Pa, MD seem to be the biggest offenders.
  16. There was a time Ford had a plant in Virginia (Norfolk) that built 150s. That plant closed about 10 years or so ago. With Hyundai fairly entrenched in Alabama, Kia and Honda as well. I wonder if that's plays into the equation.
  17. Not a skit or sketch, but a trip down YouTube's rabbit hole and some classics...
  18. The main writers and producers came from those shows. from one of the reviews I’ve found https://www.npr.org/2023/05/01/1172777715/white-house-plumbers-review-watergate-hbo
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