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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. I guess we can rule Josh Love out as a possible Lion back up QB...
  2. My distaste for the St Louis team goes back to the 1964 World Series. Being the new kid in my seventh grade class who haled from north of the Mason Dixon Line. I hated the Yankees just as much but decided to back them that series to the tune of $12. That's a lot of pop bottles to a 12 year old.
  3. I think ProudBoys is such a gay name for a rightwing terror organization.
  4. Wondering what effect his arm injury will have on his status. The couple of stories I've seen seem tightlipped about the nature of the injury and surgery
  5. The White House Plumbers (HBO) It's satire coming from the folks that gave us Larry Sander, VEEP, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Definitely over the top. Wood Harrelson as E Howard Hunt and Justin Theroux as Gordon Liddy are perfect for the roles. The series are satire but the events are portrayed accurately. The first episode dealt with the break in at Ellsworth's psychiatrist's office seem accurate. The opening scene of the attempted break in at Democratic headquarters is priceless. It's not All The President's Men...but.
  6. What part of NC? While the sky may be Carolina Blue. I'm still a Wahoo fan. Might consider following HTTR when the sale goes thru...I've followed them since the Hog years.
  7. When a couple makes somewhere in the neighborhood of $800K a year I find it curious to understand why they need "help" from a billionaire friend. Where there's smoke there must be fire
  8. Inconvenient to send him to a public school. They had to send him to a JR Military Academy. In my day that's where rich(er) boys went when they were considered too incorrigible to remain in public school.
  9. He'll just see it as another opportunity to fundr..er fleece his flock
  10. Does he still have to pay the Times legal fees?
  11. So much losing....
  12. Ted Turner and Bernie Shaw would not approve..
  13. I remember being fed the "Domino Theory" growing up near the beginning of Viet Nam. Since I'm too young to have lived during Korea, I wonder if that was the same thread of thought. Korea falls, then China moves into the Pacific (Hawaii.....) and on to the mainland. I did have an uncle or two who served during Korea. I'm not sure where, might have in the Navy. I did have a cousin killed in Viet Nam. He was a truck driver carrying helicopter fuel. The story I heard was when he died he filling in for someone who was too wasted to do his job that day.
  14. One of the best breakup songs ever...
  15. Reinsdorf should have sold the team long ago.
  16. The Tribe had a good season, 11-2.
  17. W&M team captain, short arms small hands.
  18. It's the VaTech connection. Besides Hooker could be collecting Social Security by the time he's ready to play😉
  19. Hooker wasn’t my first choice for a developmental back up QB but that said, I think he has the potential to be the next Don Strock
  20. Makes sense to me. Assign the blame elsewhere
  21. We all know Swift is going to tweak a hamstring or come down with something like Turf Toe sometime between the start of training camp and the third pre season game. He'll miss the first six weeks of the regular season and will need about 4 additional weeks to get back in shape. I like the guy, but he's as injury prone as the Tigers starting rotation.
  22. Just as an aside re Gibbs, something Brad said during what I saw of his press conference last night makes me feel that Swift is not long on roster. He said Swift is on the roster "for now". His injury history and a couple moments in the Hard Knocks series seem to indicate they are not pleased with his progress in choosing routes in the line. I'm probably wrong but I like the idea of having a duel threat back.
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