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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Grifters gonna grift...
  2. Why always the King James version? Dang book was published in 1611. Why not the original one sent down at Mount Sinai and found in the Torah. The commandments were given to the chosen Jewish people, not the Johnnie Come Lately Papists Why don't these so called Christians ever want to post The Sermon on the Mount...
  3. I've been watching a lot of Turner Classic Movie lately. A lot of pretty good stuff I remember from my much younger days when the local channels would show older movies on Saturday or Sunday afternoons. Master and Commander was on a couple of weeks ago. I had forgotten how good this film is. My wife then pointed out an article saying that the movie has become the ultimate Dad Movie... https://www.gq.com/story/master-and-commander-anniversary
  4. I was thinking about the whole DeSantis/Disney thing and began to wonder. Is Disney World still a prime vacation stop anymore? Between outrageous ticket prices (not just Disney but other major theme parks as well) and Florida politics have places like Gatlinburg become viable altnatives. What about those folks who bought into the whole Disney type experience 10, 20, 30 years ago and invested in Disney's "Vacation Clubs" Cruises, etc...are they going to be left holding the bag and be unable to unload property? Or are they stuck with timeshare points they never use anymore. Maybe there needs to be a group of "owners" who band together and sue the Governor along with the state of Florida for "infringing" on their rights to pursue happiness as well as loss of potential income because of the state's restrictions.
  5. They don't care if you attend church or not. Just keep those checks rolling in to the radio and tv grifters and politicians
  6. The former party of personal responsibility is afraid of people who think for themselves. They prefer them stupid and needy.
  7. Feeling like the old fart that I am, I miss the days of the locally owned and operated pharmacies. Especially ones that offered home delivery for folks who lived in the boonies.
  8. Our AARP plan is tied to CVS, usually no problem. With last weeks COVID diagnosis the branch I usually use called and said their Pavlovian was out of date. They found a local branch that had stock (about 20 minutes or so away). The problem was they left the onus on me to contact them rather than just transferring the prescription. Nearly an hour on the phone and no one answered. Their automated system was absolutely useless. I ended up calling my doctor back to have them move the prescription. My wife had it a bit easier since her video call was later in the afternoon. It all worked out in the end but it's not exactly great for the blood pressure when you're in a semi panic mode to begin with.
  9. I might just kill him to keep quiet.....
  10. No clue, start multiplying days and fines for each day. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.....he'll eventually have to go to NY for the trial. Give him a place to stay. Also add penalties to news services who cover his outbursts ???? I only learned so much during my wife's semester in law school.
  11. I'm pretty sure it's temporary. Me move was announced earlier this year and your weather hasn't exactly optimal for construction.
  12. MTG has gone full bore Q...
  13. I think I got a bit concerned about a week or so before the election. I talked to a Hillary canvasser in our subdivision. I asked her how it was going and she shook her head. That was a neighborhood established in the late 80s, upper middle class, an interesting mix of 40-60 in age and several families that had migrated several years ago, one that you might expect to vote GOP pre Trump. She said it was the older immigrants (mix of Italian, Armenian, and some Middle Easterners) that were very much anti Clinton. quick edit...this is representative of the neighborhood. https://www.unitedstateszipcodes.org/48331/
  14. I would love to see an on air acknowledgment about their actions and a rebranding of their "top" shows as opinion. A running scroll for a minimum of 30 days.
  15. If I remember correctly the Edwards case ended in a hung jury. Not the best case scenario. I'm in the camp that would prefer to see the Georgia case go first. A little too quiet there for my taste
  16. Only if they are from The Party of Insurection.
  17. Anybody having to deal with the Southfield Freeway on a regular basis will understand the desire to move. Especially if they're commuting from Birmingham, Rochester etc...
  18. Tucker should remember his long ago quote about Bill O'Reily https://www.mediaite.com/tv/old-clip-of-tucker-carlson-accusing-bill-oreilly-of-deep-phoniness-goes-viral-after-texts-showed-carlson-actually-loathes-trump/
  19. I blame gerrymandering for the current congress as much as anything else. If we had several multi member districts (or even ranked choice voting) things may be different. Right now the outcome is baked in before the votes.
  20. It finally struck here. My wife was in Detroit last week for work and flew back here Saturday (major Spring Break travel day at DTW). Woke up Monday morning feeling like she had a cold coming on. Same with me this morning. It feels a bit like a chest cold. Home tests showed a light pink for me, more positive for her. E-visits on tap for both today. My pulmonary guy has already ordered drugs. Downside is a family visit scheduled for this weekend is off, along with a couple of events we had tickets for.
  21. In the voice of HAL9000. Hasn't come close to becoming part of Alexa's family
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