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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. And if not them family members
  2. From Bill Kristol this morning We are seeing purges and secrecy and firings and, yes, law-breaking by a bunch of arrogant young Muskovites, acting at the direction of their Alternative für Deutschland–supporting unelected and unaccountable “special government employee” boss. Americans already have their doubts about Musk. His presence, looming in the wings and off-putting to most Americans, is a vulnerability to be exploited. Also an interesting take from Wired, especially on recent votes by a senator from Maine. It inferred some of the pressure being put on elected Republican goes beyond threats of being primaried.
  3. And Trump never touched the Bible. What was up with that? Were his fingers crossed?
  4. Love the payback...can we just call them Little Boys
  5. 2/4/1789 2/4/1861
  6. Need to rename her Lucy. She talks a good game until it's time to act. Always pulling the football up at the last second.
  7. Infrastructure week has been extended to a permanent time period where nothing gets done under Trump...
  8. Trump caved. Canada should agree to join the union only if granted equal representation with other states in Congress. Each Province should be allowed two Senators and equal proportionment in the House using South Dakota as a base. The same with Greenland.
  9. From my limited experience I think for the most part they appreciate it I you try. I failed French in high school, did poorly in Spanish. Currently my limited knowledge of French stems from being a 3 or 4 year old and watching the forerunner to Mr Roger's Neighborhood, The Children's Corner on Public TV in Pittsburgh. There were a couple of songs, one featured the days of the week, the other was counting. Im still fairly fluent in Yinzer still
  10. Our experience is limited and about 40 years old but this. I remember being in a theatre in Quebec City, we were camping and it was a very rainy evening, the movie was Ferris Bueller's Day Off. We were amused at the pause between the punch lines and laughter in the theatre, the time it took to translate English to French. I'm assuming most Quebecers are bi-lingual. Same trip in Montreal, we stopped at a McDonalds for lunch, My wife had taken French in high school and college attempted to order in French, she did well until near the end and stumbled over the words. The young lady behind the counter basically praised her "You were doing so well"
  11. This is the way most MEGAs think, you can never reason with them because they think they know everything already. Like arguing with a four year old
  12. 1959: Buffy Holly, Richie Valens and JP "The Big Bopper" Richardson die when their chartered plane crashed during a flight from Mason City, Iowa to Moorhead, Minnesota. Richardson convinced Crickets band member Waylon Jennings to give up his seat, Valens won a coin toss for the third passenger. Don McLean memorialized the three in his 1972 hit American Pie, calling February 3, 1959 "the day the music died" In one of the most famous crimes of post-Revolution America, Barnett Davenport commits a mass murder in rural Connecticut. Caleb Mallory, his wife, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren were killed in their home by their boarder, Davenport. It would contribute to a change in the way the young nation views crime and criminals. Davenport, born in 1760, enlisted in the Continental army as a teenager and had served at Valley Forge and Fort Ticonderoga. In the waning days of the war with the British, he came to live in the Mallory household. Today, Davenport’s crime might be ascribed to some type of post-war stress syndrome, but at the time it was the source of a different sociological significance. On February 3, apparently unprovoked, Davenport beat Caleb Mallory to death. He then beat Mallory’s seven-year-old grandchild with a rifle and killed his daughter-in-law. Davenport looted the home before setting it on fire, killing two others. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/day/february-3
  13. And when you get quotes like Vance's earlier today, you know this attitude from the MAGA's isn't going away. The old guard rails are long gon
  14. May be a bit too political for the "investment" thread....but hold on
  15. Unelected Pres Musk is doing to the U-S what he did to Twitter. Meanwhile Elected Pres Felon is busy sounding like a crazy uncle as he obsesses about obtaining Canada.
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