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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. The man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest...
  2. Biggest losers in a prolonged lockout besides the fans will be the restaurants, motels, etc that count on the baseball tourist business each Spring. It's a drop in the bucket, but still. Also aren't a lot of the concessions staffed by community groups who use the profits for their organizations. (It's been a while since I've done a ST trip. Not in the cards this year, hopefully a few minor league games.)
  3. Bringing back the oldies. Republicans never have new ideas What are they for anyway
  4. He was following Ginny's instructions like a good husband
  5. Are you sure its NPR, they have PBS skewing a bit farther left. Separate entities.
  6. I've reached my limit on searches without shelling out some bucks. There are about 10 or more listings for Fox. Local news stations, Fox News Channel, Fox News, etc. Fox News is actually fairly close to center if I remember correctly, at least on the radio side. I've had a couple Chicago radio friends work for them in the past and they are reporters I trust. Fox News Channel refers to cable. They are fairly low on the reporting section of the graph and farther to the right
  7. NPR skews slightly to the left and gets high marks for fact finding https://adfontesmedia.com/interactive-media-bias-chart/
  8. Read the thread....
  9. And in most of the places where the vote was contested the rules were proposed and put in place by the party who later changed the laws
  10. Proof?
  11. It doesn't matter, Mitch will change the rules and blame it on the Democrats
  12. https://ballotpedia.org/Virginia_gubernatorial_election,_2021_(May_8_Republican_convention)#Conventions_in_Virginia_.282021.29 The whole point of the "convention" was to prevent Amanda Chase fro getting the nomination. If they had held a primary like they historically do she would have likely been the nominee. It's their party and they can do what they want. Youngkin was a better candidate in the long run. It really doesn't matter, the country is doomed quick edit. I am a big fan of ranked choice. If it's an actual election.
  13. A history lesson on the filibuster. (Hint: current rules are relatively new, only 50 years old) thread..
  14. Never mind....
  15. If you're playing "what ifs". What if the Lions had won the final game of the 2000 season at home against the Bears. They would have made the playoffs, probably Matt Millen would not have been made GM and Marty Morninweg would not have set the bar so high for the next 20 years...
  16. Maybe if they started imposing as many penalties on the impregnators as the do the impregnated. Maybe mandatory vasectomies for unwanted pregnancies.
  17. So what do you really know about Virginia election integrity and security. They already require ID, absentee ballots need to be signed by a witness, early voting lasts about 6 weeks. Makes it safe and convenient. Maybe too convenient for Trumpublicans. By the way, the current guy won the nomination after the party rigged the system to clear the way for Gov Fleecevest.
  18. Meanwhile, Gov Trumpkin has promised to finance a new facility for the Washington Deadthings....
  19. I really want to caption this picture. MTG, I thought I was your GF
  20. Says a lot about his supporters
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