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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Read the JD "Upscale Hillbilly" Vance comment....
  2. Amazing how all these guys are disciples of free enterprise......until....
  3. I remember. Wishful thinking, Pandora's storage place has been opened and can't be reversed. Repealing the Fairness Doctrine was the beginning of the downhill slide of the media. Killed mom and pop stations, just like the big box stores killed mom and pop businesses.
  4. And bring back the Fairness Act..
  5. We watched Don't Look Up last night. I was entertained (especially after a couple glasses of very good wine) That's all I ask from a movie
  6. Wishing you the best. I understand about lung issues. Are you on one of the super expensive prescriptions? Just received the first shipment, more than twice my mortgage.
  7. Betty White, you were a national treasure
  8. The options are endless
  9. That seems to always be the case. When my son started Cubs I was told I had to be den leader or he couldn't join. I believe they gave me all the problem/rowdy kids. My schedule would accommodate meetings in the evenings or Sat mornings. Sports kinda killed Saturday so I scheduled meetings for 7 (I got out of work at 6:30) then feed the kids cookies at the end of the meeting to send them home hyper. When I asked parents in the den for help I got no response.
  10. I'm an Eagle Scout (once an Eagle...) of course that happened in the late 60s. Tried to get my son involved back in the late '80s early '90s. He showed a bit of interest and tried Scouting for a year or so. I was not very impressed with the troop. I was involved on a small basis but it seemed to me the adult leaders were more interested in making fabulous meals than woking with the kids. Times change, too many other outside activities. The 1948 Handbook and Field Book are the best ever survival books ever.
  11. What do you expect from a guy who had to fund his own organization to get his medical license
  12. I don’t live there anymore but I’m not a big fan of Ms Stevens. She and her staff was unresponsive to approaches from the company my wife works for. Other reps in the area at least answered calls and took meetings. Meanwhile, I see Slotkin is moving to Lansing and has announced she’s running in the new 7th. I hope she is successful, I like her a lot.
  13. They'll have to rip my '45 handbook from my cold dead hands
  14. Quick search indicates it goes back to 9th century England. The belief was a liar would lie in court. A copy of the bible or gospel might stop him from lying. Personally, I feel a 1945 Boy Scout Handbook would be a better option.
  15. A couple of things. In God We Trust didn't become the Official motto of the US until 1956 replacing E pluribus unum. It wasn't officially added to coins until 1955 when Pres Eisenhower signed legislation requiring the phrased be used on currency. It had been used sporadically since about 1864. Under God was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954 by presidential proclamation. While there may have some support during the founding period, the biggest push came in reaction to the cold war. Mostly by conservatives pushing back from New Deal policies.
  16. It helps if you read them in an Elmo type voice...
  17. I wonder if polarized sunglasses help, you know like a mask.
  18. Render unto Caesar. I equate that to separation of government and religion. I grant it’s a thin blurry line…..
  19. My comment was more to your interpretation of the Founders view on liberty in general, not just COVID. I happened to pick names at random not from the article. The NBC thing was an afterthought. Sorry to confuse your Libertarian views, they are much more liberal than was intended by many members of the Constitution Convention.
  20. As we say here in the Colonial Triangle Happy Christmas
  21. James Madison, John Jay, Roger Sherman and a few other gentleman may disagree with you https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1274477
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