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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. https://www.axios.com/year-in-covid-visual-c84387bc-ffd4-4c46-aff2-be2178a55d41.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter_axiosam&stream=top
  2. I can't speak for Comerica but about 13 years or so ago we did a "wedding rehearsal" party at the Frisco Roughriders park in Texas. We were given a few food options for catering in the suite. It was extra of course. The food was included in the final bill. I would assume it would be the same way in a suite at Comerica. The few times I had the opportunity to go to the game in a suite there was a small spread. Or maybe they had a menu that the hosts could order from. Food would be extra but it would be a poor host if a party, or business manager not to include food for the guests.
  3. You, You, You You....always about you isn't it. Tells me all I need to know
  4. (Mentally calculating time to drive from NC to NJ)😊
  5. So I'm supposed to bend over backward just so you can do what you want to do and expect no consequences. I dated a girl like that once.
  6. Happy made up pecan holiday to you too
  7. As long as your freedoms done interfere with our freedoms.
  8. Others have refuted your facts. Try harder
  9. Please post your medical credentials
  10. One out of 350 spam sites is a decent record for you Back to the bush leagues until you learn how to post better
  11. Crab cake sandwiches in the lower level tunnel were running something like $15 last summer. They were ok but not that great Just looked at a menu from Nicks, $17. So $8 in 1996 really isn’t bad
  12. He's just another self entitled crybaby...
  13. Just because it's Christmas and seems appropriate. Just substitute 2021, and guns...
  14. I assume you are forgoing Medicare and Social Security. Stop buying food produced by subsidized farmers, etc
  15. TBH I know nothing about this site except it is part of Atlantic Media Group and was taken over about a year ago by a private equity. HOWEVER, If true it could be big https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2021/12/us-army-creates-single-vaccine-effective-against-all-covid-sars-variants/360089/
  16. It looks a bit bigger than a birthday candle. My thinking is that my grandfather was a smoker. They had a astray on a stand. (They probably got it with Raleigh coupons) I’m seeing something similar on the internet where a small statue sat by the ashtray and helped “extinguish the ashes. The hole is about the size of a butt.
  17. One of my siblings gave me this over the weekend. She says it came from my grandparents’ house. They’ve been gone nearly 50 years now. Any guesses to what it might be?
  18. This seems fairly accurate
  19. Damn new math. I've seen on line posts from parents complaining about the way math is currently taught (as opposed to memorization us way over the hill folks learned) A couple episodes of Math Mites makes it so simple to understand...
  20. I'd say go for a smaller package and hope for better later. To me the most important piece of legislation is to shore up voting rights. Once again Papa Don is shouting the quiet part
  21. I read this and the piece you posted from the doctor. I have a niece who is a nurse. in January 2020 she took a supervisory role in a facility that specializes in high risk pregnancies. She spent the next 18 months basically fighting with fathers, family members, etc who demanded to be allowed into the facility with the mother. Often to the point of calling the police. The stress finally got to her. She's now working for a pharmaceutical company specializing in patient education and training. Basically helping patients with their questions and concerns about their prescriptions an such. She gets to work from home most of the time and the pay and benefits are better. But it's not what she was originally trained to do. I also have a couple of family members who are teachers, both of them at the elementary level (one teaches first grade, the other sixth) both in lower economic school districts. I hear about their frustrations (both parents and administrators) every time we visit. Part of my wife's current position involves working indirectly with education, including administrators and teachers as well as early childcare providers. It's all basically the same story. It's no surprise these folks are leaving the professions they used to love. Also no surprise there are very few people wanting to enter these fields anymore.
  22. I still prefer on the side of caution. I have lung issues and don't want to make anything worse. I've seen stories about the increase in the need for lung transplants. Just wondering how it impacts those on waiting lists when more needs arise from COVID.
  23. Not one. of Faux's better weeks....
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