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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Considering up until the bombing of Pearl Harbor there was strong sentiment to keep the US out of another war in Europe. Roosevelt had to do some creative thinking (Lend-Lease) to get ships and supplies to Great Britain.
  2. The same for Virginia. I know there are a lot of transplants but they all can't be Angel's fans. However I can't think of a popular play on the O's or Nats that hasn't been traded the Dodgers...
  3. I have been known to criticize the neighborhood about the quality of garbage.
  4. Did he have the Jason Robards role? It's up there on my favorite obscure movie lists.
  5. Since the Dixiecrats bought into the "Southern Strategy" and became Republicans.
  6. The guy still gets shit from telling us to stop whining and wear a sweater if your cold....
  7. Just as an aside, we will be heading over to SW Va for the weekend. The annual dinner won't be held. Part of the decision was my son and grandson were still planning to be there. They're driving in from Michigan for the weekend and don't want to forfeit prepaid hotel rooms. It also gives my 10 year old grandson a chance to bond a bit with cousins. I think everyone is good with the smaller gatherings. The big gathering with 20 plus people was just too much.
  8. Seems to me the only people all these laws help are ambulance chasing lawyers...
  9. Cudos to my family members who felt it was in our best interest in calling off a gathering this weekend. I think we are all vaccinated, but one of my sisters and sister in law made the call that it was just too dicey to have a bunch of people in a smallish house. TBH it is bittersweet since part of the gathering was to remember my youngest brother who passed away last month after a lengthy illness. But we'll still see him in our dreams....
  10. Shortly after doing the last post and while cleaning up after breakfast I had this wild thought..... Why can't we make gun ownership as difficult as adopting a puppy from a rescue group. Pages of questioners, home inspections, interviews... Sorry you can't have that beagle mix, but take this SIG Sauer as a consolation prize
  11. This should be gun safety 101. But Freedom!!!!
  12. This is akin to hearing the tapes from Nixon,Haldeman ,Ehrlichman and such during Watergate. Except Nixon didn't have Faux Propaganda Services covering for him.
  13. Hey look, they found some more voter fraud
  14. I thought my banana bread and chicory coffee was bad. i don't have a basement or drop ceilings. I do have wrought iron fence....
  15. https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/hospitals-full-covid-patients-washington/281-9e983f35-579d-4ed2-8eba-99631977ab90 Wondering if this is similar in other areas. While COVID cases are up, hospitals say the real problem is finding space to transfer patients who really need other facilities. Lack of staffing at long care facilities, plus patients with no families to approve such moves is also playing into the bed shortage problem
  16. IDK....Fetterman has been known not to play well with others. His style might sway some Obama/Trump voters. Lamb is probably a better choice. I spent my early youth between McKeesport and Irwin so the Butler connection has some affinity for me.
  17. Here's the story. What an ugly building. My wife described it as a combination toaster/file holder design https://record.umich.edu/articles/detroit-center-for-innovation-to-be-built-in-the-district-detroit/
  18. I'm beginning to think the OP is Charlie Brown who just got undressed on the pitcher's mound...again and again and again.
  19. Probably, but she has a crush on CB who has a crush on the unseen Red Headed Girl. I know too much about this stuff, even though I haven't watched a CB special since the invention of cable
  20. It looks like Oz may be trying to take a page out of the Youngkin playbook in Virginia. Play nice with the Trumpkin base in the primary then head toward the center.Youngkin had a bit of help from the state party who rigged the primary process against the die heart Trumpers. I think Oz may find it more difficult in the general, if he does actually get the nomination. Especially if Fetterman actually gets the Democratic nomination.
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