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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Admitting to being a novice when it comes to the Putin Games. I really liked this explainer on the Ukraine https://washingtonmonthly.com/2021/12/14/vladimir-putin-emotional-chess-master/
  2. Me three, ok there is a resemblance but if you actually followed the Peanuts strip or the specials you'd realize there is nothing at all derogatory about Peppermint Patty.
  3. https://www.mediaite.com/podcasts/cnns-smerconish-dr-oz-told-me-he-wouldnt-sit-for-an-interview-because-it-would-upset-everyone-at-fox/ Mehmet Oz turned down a chance to campaign on a second tier TV and radio program, but turned it down "because it would make Fox unhappy"
  4. Peppermint Patty had moxie. Lucy VanPelt was just a spoiled brat
  5. I don't remember seeing it here, but Andrew Romaine retired last week. Some comments about filling some big shoes in Detroit...
  6. This has been around for a couple of months now. It doesn't get into the weeds as most of the quizes about where you stand on the political scale. The explanations are better than most https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/quiz/political-typology/ As In expected I landed right in the middle of the Democratic Party spectrum (Mainstay) https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/11/09/democratic-mainstays/
  7. Maybe if he paid a bit less for the hoodie......
  8. Reminds me of the old joke. Anyone who has ever complained about The Little Drummer Boy's parents allowing him to be out so late never had a child in beginner band. I admit to being one who tortured my parents with those damn song flutes and later clarinet.
  9. There were a couple that intimidated me purely on the volume of traffic. M5 and Pontiac Trail and 14 Mile/NW Highway/Orchard Lake RD. The flow seemed better last time I was up, but still folks don't seem to know how to merge yield/merge properly and the biggest issue seems to be the every man for himself attitude combined with an aging population in those areas who have no business driving.
  10. Sounds like the definition of the National Guard which is already in place in every state. Now if all gun owners were willing to undergo physicals, do the yearly training exercises and attend the monthly (or quarterly) meetings....
  11. The Brian Williams spot on MSNBC? Cuomo's ex-gig on CNN PBS????
  12. They use guns to assult and kill people. That's all I need to know. Anything else is picking at nits. Waiting period Education License Insurance Demand these things and we'll talk turkey
  13. I saw he was on yesterday and wanted a day or so to decide. I guess he preferred UVA over Duke. This was after the OC from Penn St turned down the job. I guess the board voting $$$ to upgrade facilities helped sway him. Now if they can find a decent defensive coordinator.
  14. Seeing reports that Josh Gattis may be in the mix to replace Bronco Mendenhall at UVa
  15. 6.8% inflation. We’ve been spoiled as citizens. I’m old enough to remember much higher rates and mortgage interest at 18% I also remember WIP buttons from a beloved Republican Administration
  16. Quick, somebody give her a Mariah Carey booster.....
  17. Here is the entire presentation https://web.archive.org/web/20210716135230if_/https://www.ingersolllockwood.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/voter-fraud.pdf
  18. They had a power point presentation (but it wasn't an insurrection, it was an attempted coup)
  19. On the plus side, now Trumpers no longer have bad breath when they get in your face
  20. So that's why TFG wears Melania's bras (or so I've heard)
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