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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. That's on top of taking care of your own family, especially if you have young kids. I imagine it's even harder these days with older kids as well
  2. I was in a APBA league using historical seasons. When I started we were drafting players from 1930 (this was 1991). I left a few years ago as we were entering the '80s. To much quibbling over whether uncarded players could be used among other things...and one of the old timers asking the same questions every draft. The league still seems to be hobbling along. One of the members has been active in tournaments in the region (until COVID)
  3. Personally I think PD's get a bad rep from movies and crime shows on TV. I used to belong to an APBA League, one of our members was a supervisor in the Cook County Public Defender's office. Nice guy, had his quirks and smoked bad cigars when we played face to face, but he knew his stuff and if I needed an attorney to defend me I'd consider him if he was in private practice. Long ago in a galaxy not too far away, my son got into a spot of trouble. On a recommendation from a business acquaintance we hired an attorney. Walked into the office, it was the firm that handled Jeffery Dahmer and Mark Chmura's cases. The case was never prosecuted but the guy they sent us seemed nice.
  4. I'm assuming this is a keeper league. I'd go with Biggio. But then my history in APBA draft leagues has not been stellar. (I once traded Curt Schilling for John Rocker) Do you still use cards or the computer version.
  5. He came out of the KGB so likely he was a party member at one time
  6. Putin is not a communist. He's an oligarch mafia boss...
  7. Nice to know what Hugh Hewitt, Dan Bongino and friends of TFG are screaming about this morning. Nice to know it's all not about the VP's bluetooth
  8. He'll get paid in. Trump Steaks, Trump Wine, free tuition to Trump U..... Plus whatever is left over from that McDonald's trade deal Trump made a few years back along with free Diet Cokes, and a twin bed employees room at Trump's resorts
  9. He's planning on joining the Trump World Cabinet as Sec of War
  10. The proof is always forthcoming The scam will never end
  11. The correct term is wheeled ambulation aid
  12. Never hung out on the smoking block. Time in a radio studio during the 70s was lung damaging enough. Not to mention growing up around coal dust (furnace in the 60s) and asbestos before they told it was bad.
  13. All those no smoking campaigns, and smoking bans don't register with her Or any other Trumpster
  14. As was the courthouse complex as well. It makes sense that way, but not talking to your attorney (as was indicated in reports)
  15. It was turning to mush in Brooks later years. He was never the same after the accident
  16. So screwed up...
  17. Just your normal mild mannered tourists
  18. They could have hired a high school coach instead....😉
  19. Here's a look at the timeline. IIRC The parents met with school officials late morning. It looks like maybe the mother discovered the gun was missing, texted the kid, called the das (or texted) who called police.
  20. One of the things I've thought about after playing in APBA and other draft leagues is the teams that are regularly consistent in their records but more often than not miss the playoffs tend to get screwed compared to teams that tank every couple of years. I've always thought you should reward teams that just miss the playoff by giving them a higher pick over tanking teams. You want one of the top few picks, build your team better. TBH, not sure if it would work, but it adds incentive to spend a bit more money on building your team along the way.
  21. I'm hoping my former community band led off with The Victors during warmup Monday night. The band director has ties to both U of M and Mich State...
  22. Sounds a lot like Independent League stuff...
  23. Funny thread.... Tucker realizes his emails are on "that laptop"
  24. Hey, they just wanted to show the kid how democracy works
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