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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. They were just there to get a few tips on how to be a great real estate tycoon
  2. Another fine person from 1/6. (warning strong language)
  3. Fedderman is an interesting guy once you look into his background. I have Western Pa roots and he fits the profile in so many ways
  4. So Dr Oz is in as a Carpetbag candidate for the GOP Senate nomination for Pennsylvania (he really lives in NJ) I would love to see him run against this guy
  5. I for one can't wait for the MTG/Gohmert ticket
  6. 2413 new COVID cases in Virginia this AM compared to 1900 yesterday and 1400 Monday (over the river and thru the woods) Positive testing rate up 6.7% statewide 13-15% in regions with low vaccination rates. This compares to rates around 5.5% two weeks ago and positive cases around 1000 daily.\\\
  7. When I see and advertisement for on line concealed carry certification on Facebook, something tells me the whole gun permit thing is bogus. I'll admit there may be some legitimacy out there, but is there any regulation that has any real teeth. I've posted this before in the other forum long ago and far away. Before any potential gun buyer can make a purchase he/she must present evidence of insurance ( from a certified reputable company) and evidence of firearm training (minimum 20 hours of gun safety, handling, rules etc). I also support a mandatory two week waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a weapon. Hell, if it takes a month or longer to buy a couch or order a piano, one can wait two weeks before going out and shooting at targets, cans, rodents etc. I also support a gun tax, similar to car registration fees we pay annually on vehicles. And tax the hell out of ammunition and gunpowder. It may nonstop anything, but 2A says "well regulated" militia. I'm just following the constitution.
  8. I find the coddling comment ironic coming from the side of the aisle that fears teaching 17 year olds critical thinking in advanced studies classes, and also wants a battalion of armed citizens in the classrooms.
  9. We had a conversation with one of my nieces who teaches second grade in one of the poorest counties in the state (it's in Virginia's Northern Neck, about an hour or so outside DC). The last year has been a struggle. She teaches second grade, has about 20 students in her class. The kids range from not knowing the alphabet, to those who are fairly competent at the reading level. She never knows who will be in class, especially with COVID. You would have a kid show up for a couple of says then miss two weeks because of family quarantine. When the child gets back in class they've forgotten practically everything they've learned, because parents don't reinforce what they've been taught in schools. The school system requires masks, but there you have parental objection. That on top of my nieces need for them to see her mouth when doing vocabulary. She just has them spread out in the classroom. (Last year when we talked about going up and visiting, she commented on how with her and her two young kids, the place was a petry dish. The District received federal funding, she asked for matching chairs. They're not eligible for the funds. So she has a mismatch of big, little and medium chairs for the kids to sit on. They did get new carpeting, however. They also received a lot of IT equipment that she doesn't need and doesn't have the free time to learn to use while the school's in session. And you wonder why teachers are leaving in droves. Especially once they have become fully vested,
  10. Got it. My son lived in the Dallas area for a while. I remember the previous one. I believe at least one of the then CBS radio stations had studios and offices in the complex. Of course that was nearly 20 years ago. Still seems new compared to Comerica, and places like Milwaukee and Pittsburgh. Not to mention "New Comiskey" which I watched being built during our early days in Chicago
  11. I’d say TFG was probably closer to Mussolini. Except the trains still don’t run on tine
  12. Didn't they just move a few years ago?
  13. He probably got a great deal on Homeandaway
  14. So the folks doing the most complaining about the lack of workers are planning to reward people for now complying to the rules to be able to work... Just another reason for the chronically unemployed to sponge off the govment
  15. Way too much Sonheim this weekend
  16. If true Cohen has achieved drunken sailor status
  17. Saw a yard sign in bright red Central Va today (somewhere on the outskirts of Appomattox) Trump JFK Jr (It didn’t say what for or what universe)
  18. So did Jimmy Carter
  19. Did Jared ever get his security clearance without interference from his father in law. I guess being a successful slumlord makes you a great businessman
  20. But Hunter.....
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