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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Pull up to pump at moderately busy gas/convenience store (Sheetz/Wawa). Middle age woman is finishing pumping, no problem, nothing else is open without driving way around. She finishes, gets back in car, then spends the next five minutes rearranging her purse (which is larger than most carry on bags I've seen at the airport) before pulling out. At least I missed the rummaging thru the bag for her wallet and studying the gas options. This isn't the first time this has happened. Very frustrating.
  2. Sending good thoughts
  3. For your Thanksgiving enjoyment, or annoyance...
  4. I think there should be a tradeoff. For every abortion a man gets a vasectomy. Preferably the father.
  5. BTW, I was thinking about stealing and donating about 50 copies or so of Art of the Deal
  6. Maybe if they actually read a few books and learned proper grammer. I do like the part about bring marshmallows...
  7. Nah, life is too short to get into anatomy measuring contests. Plus if I let it all out it might embarrass you
  8. But they still couldn't beat the Pirates (71 & 79)
  9. Deleted because my better judgement won mmmm
  10. What would you expect any politician to say two plus years out? Tipping his hand now leaves him in Lame Duck status. As opposed to Lame Loser status of his opponent.
  11. At least she didn't post an inquiry on Facebook or Nextdoor
  12. We're practically back to Tombstone and Dodge City now. At least then the mayor and town marshal could confiscate guns when the rowdies came to town
  13. But, but, he's a billionaire
  14. Not to mention the infomercial they filmed during the trial. They should just let Mr Rittenhouse continue his on line medical career so can help on line people
  15. The voices in the loony right just keep getting louder....58 years ago...
  16. But then how will all the conservative TV grifters survive. They still have payment to make on mansions, yachts, mistresses, etc
  17. The latest expansion of mail in ballots were proposed and passed by Republican legislators in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan pre COVID. It only became an issue because TFG suddenly decided he hated it.
  18. https:// Fr_ce@hotmail.com has shared an Axios story with you: 6. What they’re saying https://www.axios.com/newsletters/axios-closer-c535f194-1196-47a1-b8be-008990e3ab90.html?chunk=5&utm_term I can't even afford to test drive a Tesla, and Elon [Musk] is one of my best friends." — Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) during a record 8½-hour speech. He mentioned the electric vehicle subsidies in Biden's social spending package. (P.S. it's free to test drive a Tesla). www.axios.com/newsletters/axios-closer-c535f194-1196-47a1-b8be-008990e3ab90From .html?chunk=5&utm_term=emshare#story5
  19. Has My Boy Kevin stopped talking yet? and would anybody notice if he did?
  20. I'm under the impression once he rejected assignment to Toledo he became a free agent and the arbitration rules don't apply to him. He's no longer arbitration eligible.
  21. I was just looking at prices for a level 5 prescription, one that can only be filled by a speciality pharmacy. Pre Medicare Part D, it runs about $30,000 a year. Even with insurance you"re paying over $10,000. That eats into whatever nest egg you've put aside without even adding in treatment
  22. It's always been legal as long as you have money and power behind you.
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