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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Not surprised
  2. She also probably supported the attempts to build a second bridge on that border. One that is being paid for by Canada because she supports the one built by illegal rum money being the monopoly
  3. He’s not even in Aaron Burr territory. Maybe a member of The Squad should challenge him to a duel
  4. Now he and MTG can hang out on the Trumpublican Party smoking block and make fun of the cool kids. Just a slap on the wrist
  5. Have you made that significant donation to the defense fund yet? You know Donald would approve
  6. Those of us around a certain age did this. Along with long walks to the bus stop (up hill both ways)
  7. It’s 2021, the danger is the spotted lanternfly
  8. I hope you made a generous donation to his defense fund
  9. Just wandering thru Ground Transportation. I asked someone. I think it was a team from Cincinnati coming from a weekend meet
  10. There was a tourney somewhere in SE Michigan a few years ago. I saw several women’s teams heading thru the North Terminal at DTW. Was a bit surprised it was still a thing.
  11. Between the local and national contracts I don’t think any teams are heading for the poor house yet.
  12. They consider him the new Plastic Jesus. Except it’s now Trump Flags
  13. That looks like a ranking of Metropolitan Areas by per capita income. Detroit is the 14th ranked media market but doesn’t take areas like Grand Rapids, Lansing and Toledo (among others) into consideration. I would imagine that other MLB markets have similar drawbacks…
  14. i love the part where he realizes they were hoodwinked..
  15. She’s indicated she voted for TFG however she doesn’t believe he won the election unlike the rest of the followers of the Bronze Idol.
  16. Quick update. My wife provided feedback on the condition of the deliveries. The seller messaged her back “you ordered 4, you received 5, we consider the order fulfilled. They’re right but it seemed a bit snarkey.
  17. A bit PO’d at Amazon this morning. My wife ordered a set of mugs recently. They are clear glass, pretty heavy. Something we can use for company. The first set arrived and one was broken. Not just cracked but it looked like someone had tried a three point shot when packing it. After dealing with trying to get a live customer service person, they agreed to send a replacement set. Not one cup, but four. OK, no big deal. They arrived Sunday, when we opened them, two were smashed, lots of small shards in the bottom of the box. I think we’ll quit while we’re ahead.
  18. So, do we get to vote on our preferred demonization? Or do our Charismatic Overlords construct idols for us to worship
  19. IDK, it really doesn’t sound that much different than this country a century or so ago. we’ve always been a violent nation
  20. Since it takes two to tango, so to speak. Both parties should face charges, and be treated as adults.
  21. But what is the state’s recourse if you turn around a year or so later and decide to sell the firearm to someone who recently turned legal age?
  22. He testified that he paid the friend to buy the rifle from a gun shop. Then he was going to officially “buy it when he turned 18 to bypass the gun laws. Kind of like buying beer when you're a minor. Still illegal IMO
  23. Shouldn't she be charged with endangering a minor. Especially if she was the one who drove him to Kenosha in the middle of a riot. I’m not anti gun, but I am pro responsibility. These wanna be militia types are no heroes. This is why there is a National Guard
  24. Who wants to caste the first stone ?
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