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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Oz is from Cleveland. I wonder when he last set foot in the eastern end of Lake Erie…
  2. The Trumpublican Party, clowns to the left, jokers to the right…
  3. The only dinosaurs are guys like this loser
  4. According to my newsfeed he was just explaining the benefits of natural gas to the Duchess of Cornwall.
  5. Meanwhile on the right they are beginning to eat their own…. I can’t wait for the final light saber showdown between Trump and McConnell. Or maybe a very special WWF pay per view death match….
  6. This bird needs something better than Coors….maybe a mediocre Petit Verdot
  7. So much for truth in advertising
  8. Kathy Griffin would like to have a word
  9. Some scary stuff here…read the entire thread
  10. Don’t forget the Spanish priests who tried to beat the love of Jesus into the indigenous tribes in the Mexican Territories
  11. I agree, he’s good in small groups. There aren’t enough ice cream shots in rural areas. Or maybe too many and that could be a problem
  12. “We thought it was religious rock” “It did say Sweet Jesus”
  13. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a kid in school, but it’s been my observation at least thru Jr High the kids are mostly going to pick up their political/racial thinking from their parents. Probably true about high school as well since nobody teaches critical thinking anymore. And if they do they are probably in deep do do
  14. The Democratic candidate for Governor in Virginia conceded the election the morning after. The current Gov has had the Gov Elect in for lunch. Meanwhile, the Trumpublican candidate for governor in NJ has decided to wait until he is absolutely positive that the election was fair and has not issued a formal concession. The vote margin in both states is similar. What do you think the Fox and Friends Media would say if T Mac had done something similar?
  15. I’d say the same for Dem Reps. Get out into the district neighborhoods promoting the advantages of supporting increased health care for families, seniors etc.
  16. TBH, I’m not sure he’s even the best QB in the ACC. Yes, I like him but not as a first rounder (even with LA’s pick) Take a look at this guy from UVa, Brennan Armstrong. Good skills, leadership ability. He did have a bad game against BYU. The defense didn’t help much either. Depending on his injury the next three games should tell us a lot..(Norte Dame, Pitt, VT) (The Va Tech game is a major rivalry game) I’d also take a look at Keytaon Thompson for a fifth or sixth pick if he’s still there. Probably a special teams guy in the NFL. He’s played a lot at reliever this year. Bronco has him listed on the roster as “football player”
  17. A lot of folks thought Houston got the best of the deal at the time. Tommy Helms was an All Star, Lee May was one of the league’s premier power hitters. Morgan was considered a troubled maker by his manager Harry “The Hat” Walker. I don’t think Geronimo had come into his own then. Sometimes it takes a manager like Sparky
  18. I came across this article in SI. I had the pleasure of hanging out with the team the biggest part of the 1975 season. I got to know Pablo Cruz a bit, great guy. Pablo Cruz was still with the team, his kids were young…Dan Kinder was the GM. I remember the night John Candelaria made his ML debut. Dan and I listened to the game in my Pinto.. https://www.si.com/mlb/2021/06/18/alfredo-edmead-jr-pablo-cruz-life-after-death-daily-cover
  19. Mitchell Page brings back a couple of memories. The Pirates Carolina League club in Salem, Va had a stocked team. Page, Miguel Dilone and a young kid who was going to be the next Clemente, Or at least give Dave Parker a challenge named Alfredo Edmead. Unfortunately Eadmead dove for a short pop fly and slammed into the knee of the second baseman. The kid was killed almost instantly, it was late in the season. It took me a while before I went to another game. A couple of other Major Leaguers from that team. John Candearia and Steve Nicosia.
  20. Very long but interesting take…. I’ve only pasted part of it, read the whole thing
  21. Not as much as the one with the shady insurance agent and his ostrich
  22. It’s likely he may get a stern talking to by his father…..
  23. What gets me is he tried it once and was turned away, then went back and tried it again. Claiming he didn’t know. Don’t they teach anything in those AP Government classes in Great Falls?
  24. Screw the ageism, make all candidates take the cognitive test, release their taxes and pass a constitutional understanding test.
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