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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Allen was never liked by the sports writers. He does belong in the Hall
  2. SpaceX already acting like a major airline…
  3. The one time I did get chosen I told them I was a former traffic reporter, and occasionally covered other stories. Was really surprised when they kept me. Was even more surprised when we all voted fairly quickly not to convict. Even the judge stuck his head in after the case to quiz us.
  4. The. Governor Elect ran on voting integrity. Couldn’t even do it in his own house.
  5. They’ve just released a couple of Old Timers categories. Some interesting names…. From the “early era” there is no reason why Buck O’Neil shouldn’t be inducted. I realize a lot of his fame was from the Ken Burns series, but his work on the Negro Hall of Fame alone should put him in. Back when I was playing a lot of retro APBA draft leagues Lefty O’Doul always killed me. Would love to see Gil Hodges and Billy Pierce get in. My one sentimental favorite is Danny Murtaugh
  6. One pill makes you larger and another makes you small.. And the one that Fauci gives you…..(sat) But seriously, great news….
  7. Sessions was exiled to Trump’s version of Siberia and all his history has been erased by Trumpodeia
  8. Didn’t Trump’s Svengali Steve Bannon and friends bilk people out of a couple of million $$ to pay for the wall. Then the Big Boy pardoned him…
  9. But should I believe the old Virginia fourth and seventh grade social studies book from the 50s and 60s that told us slaves loved their benevolent masters and spent their free time singing and dancing?
  10. In the Morrison novel it was so that her offspring did not experience slavery. It was a novel. I would guess it probably happened a few times in real life, especially if the offspring was a child produced by rape. TBH I haven’t read the novel. It was just one of the complaints I heard from the mother of the then 17 year old in her advertisement for Youngkin.
  11. Also what is wrong with teaching Toni Morrison to students in an advanced English class, but watching shows like The Sopranos or Marvel Movies, or even the Star Wars Sagas is OK.
  12. Could someone here explain what CRT is. And what exactly is wrong with it? What states are explicitly promoting it
  13. Taking on the salary extension is probably a better option than getting into a bidding war once the Reds declined the option. Especially since they are ready to move on to Stevenson. A one year deal. Not overtly drunken sailor.
  14. I’m thinking it’s a bit of a salary dump on the Red’s part.
  15. Guy has a $7.5 million option.
  16. So you’re completely discounting Trump’s agreement with the Taliban in February of 2020 to withdraw from Afghanistan in May 2021. Also the closing of 10 bases while he was still president, leaving tons of equipment behind?
  17. I think it’s a combination of things. Election fatigue, the aftermath of Afghanistan (I honestly believe Biden was setup to fail here no matter what he did). COVID and it’s restrictions. The endless squabbling and foot dragging of the Democratic Party factions, both sides refusing to budge. Throw in the GOP’s media mouthpieces, no matter what you hear from so called conservatives there is no liberal media, and what little is left of honest journalism has been bought out by hedge fund companies and plundered. It’s a perfect storm.we’ve met the enemy and Pogo was right
  18. One of Youngkin’s promises is to eliminate the sales tax on groceries. Cool, but where is he going to make up the revenue? Is he going to pull a Carlyle Group move and eliminate DMV employees? Raise the personal property taxes we pay on automobiles? How about cut major social services? I for one am looking forward to my nieces and nephews learning that slaves loved their masters and spent their spare time singing and dancing. Just like they taught us in the 50s and 60s. And now poor 17 year olds in advanced studies classes won’t be triggered by stories about slave mothers killing their children so they don’t want them to go through the horrors she was suffering
  19. Looks like McAuliffe running about 5 points behind Biden
  20. So then we’re talking 3 elections hardly a solid trend. Take a look at the legislature as well. 2009 McConnell (R) 17 points 58.6. Deeds 41.3 2013 McAuliffe (D) 3 points 47.8 Cuccinelli 45.2 6.5 for Sarvis, Libertarian 2017 Northam (D) 9 points 53.86 Gillespie 44.98 Democrats only took control of the House of Delegates in 2017. I will concede it’s trending blue but still a very purple state. Northam’s margin was a blowback on Trump
  21. Not when it comes to the gubernatorial race. If you check past history most races fell within a five point or less margin
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