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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Looks like McAuliffe running about 5 points behind Biden
  2. So then we’re talking 3 elections hardly a solid trend. Take a look at the legislature as well. 2009 McConnell (R) 17 points 58.6. Deeds 41.3 2013 McAuliffe (D) 3 points 47.8 Cuccinelli 45.2 6.5 for Sarvis, Libertarian 2017 Northam (D) 9 points 53.86 Gillespie 44.98 Democrats only took control of the House of Delegates in 2017. I will concede it’s trending blue but still a very purple state. Northam’s margin was a blowback on Trump
  3. Not when it comes to the gubernatorial race. If you check past history most races fell within a five point or less margin
  4. The truth is leaking out…
  5. These are the same folks triggered by a Tony Morrison novel
  6. Sometimes I wonder whether they’re for us or agin us
  7. This is what happens when you allow early voting, no excuse absentee ballots. You open it up to more people getting involved. Rather than the Trumpublican way of suppressing voters.
  8. 99.9% voting because of CRT cannot tell you what it means. Also Critical Race Theory is not taught in Virginia. Never has
  9. Pat Robertson territory
  10. This is the end of the state I grew up in….very red..
  11. Trump endorsed Youngkin something like 8 times, but Youngkin was afraid of appearing with Trump (by video) and his surrogate’s (Bannon et all) at their rallies. A sheep in fleece vests…
  12. With light rain falling in the region….
  13. The Va House of Delegates could quite possibly change hands
  14. This election is reminiscent of 1989. Doug Wilder vs Marshall Coleman. Wilder pulled it off by about 6 thousand plus votes
  15. T Mac has a couple of things going against him besides the obvious. 1) Only one former Governor has returned to win an election the second time. Mills Godwin won in 1974 after serving from 1966-1970. He was the last of the Old Byrd Machine. Won the second time as Republican. 2) The state has a propensity of voting for the party out of power in DC.
  16. As a good hedge fund he’d sell the assets say goodbye to anything from Fredericksburg north (for now). It’s starting to look like it’s starting to creep into Hanover County.
  17. More from the former party of family values…
  18. Just wait until he tries to sell Northern Va to either WVa or MD
  19. I tend to agree, but Youngkin’s main political advisor also works for Ted Cruz. Youngkin is less appalling than Cruz
  20. Not a good sign… I have a feeling a lot of folks have been hoodwinked by the wolf in fleece vest
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