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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. I sort of followed the first season then got bored with the genre. There was nothing in that scripted show that made me admire him. He reminds me of the guy who bought the last “real” radio station I worked. The guy came across as a nice guy when he was interested in buying the station. It was a small AM, we were ignored by the last couple small corporate owners who focused on the FM side, leaving us to basically keep the needle moving. He indicated he had big plans for the station. What he really wanted was the property and could give two shits about the station. Once he took over he hired a satellite music salesman as his consultant, we went round and round over the decision to go to the bird and his choice of formats once we did. He even accused me of sabotaging the equipment. Funny, when I left the 7-11 regional manager hired to oversee the operation also walked. The station eventually when dark. The guy now has a local reputation as a slum lord who cheats his tenants. To me that’s Trump in a nutshell. Only on a national scale. A slumlord who fleeces his followers. Just take a look at his latest social media venture. A shell company inside a shell company.
  2. It looks like they had a rough year a while back and there was a disproportionate number of suicides. The school does have a reputation of being a nerd school with not too many parties (unlike that party school in Charlottesville) I should note my spouse is a UVa grad. Class of ‘72 one of the first groups of women to graduate there. She’s done very well. It toughened her up.
  3. Flag poles, bear spray, baseball bats, chains, fire extinguishers all can be fairly lethal weapons in a large crowd of protesters. There’s even been documentation of firearms brought into the Capitol. If these guys had followed the law and stayed no one would have gotten shot. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/03/capitol-protesters-were-armed-with-variety-of-weapons/
  4. Come visit William and Mary. Depending on his major I’d say the quality of education is similar to both UVa and U of M. It still has the small town feel (Charlottesville has sprawled out of control in recent years). The sports teams are nothing to write home about, but. https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/william-and-mary-3705
  5. John Dean’s right. We need a Special Prosecutor, pronto
  6. Or you with Nancy Pelosi and Joseph Biden
  7. Considering the movie was described as a low budget picture and a large portion of the crew reportedly walked off the set earlier in the day protesting conditions, including the fact they were housed about 60 miles away. It really sounds like a major screwup where a backup person had little or no idea whether on the loading of the pistol.
  8. Wonder how many takes it took to make one….
  9. Watching the Ga Tech, UVA game, #99 Keytaon Thompson WR is an absolute beast. Probably not an early round pick but he’s made some great catches tonight. UVa QB Brennan Armstrong should also get a look as a mid round possibility. Kid’s got moxie 350 yards passing, 99 rushing after 3 quarters. Yes, I realize it’s the ACC and Ga Tech, but the kid has heart.
  10. BTW, loved your Union story. Glad to know your taking advantage of benefits without having to do any heavy lifting
  11. Best you can do. A ruling from a partisan hack appointed by a hack of a politician
  12. https://ballotpedia.org/Michigan_Proposal_3,_Voting_Policies_in_State_Constitution_Initiative_(2018) http://www.pahousegop.com/electionreform
  13. And in states like Pennsylvania it was the Republican legislature who changed the rules to allow more people to vote by absentee ballot by mail before the pandemic. In Michigan, the voters approved the expansion in voting by mail prior to March of 2020. Do some research. Don’t depend on your fake news sources.
  14. Especially since when the founders set up the system voting was restricted to landowners only. Followed by the belief that “leaders” were best to judge. Also there were no political parties. That went out the window with Thomas Jefferson.
  15. In other words you have no proof. All those investigations into “voting irregularities” by Rudy and his gang turned up nothing. The only voter fraud was dead republicans voting for Trump.
  16. Please explain exactly where and when the last election was not safe and secure. Be sure to back up your answer with facts and not innuendo. Please show all your work with supporting links
  17. Too lazy to start a new thread. This is class….
  18. Unlike one Clarence Thomas who just celebrated his 30th anniversary on the court in a celebration sponsored by the Heritage Foundation. If that’s not political I’ve got a small yacht in Long Beach, CA for sale
  19. Where there is smoke……
  20. That’s still saltwater, right? We talked to one of the campground hosts where we were (just off the York River near Gloucester), he said they’ve also had reports of manatees in the area. Seemed a bit far upstream, but……
  21. Totally forgot about the Queen Mary
  22. It is kind of forgettable
  23. We know who MTG and her buds really represent…..
  24. Saw a dolphin a couple of weeks ago. He was in one of the rivers off the Chesapeake Bay, about seven or so miles upstream. A bit farther than I expected to see one. Something is up
  25. You’ve never read the Examiner or those rags at the checkout line? The internet is also a great source if you follow rabbit holes. I remember a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away when I was about three or four my great grandmother warning me about contrails
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