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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. You’ve never read the Examiner or those rags at the checkout line? The internet is also a great source if you follow rabbit holes. I remember a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away when I was about three or four my great grandmother warning me about contrails
  2. I’ve that before. Left the order on the counter and walked out
  3. I usually get stuck behind the older (than me) person who is technologically challenged and has to call the U Scan keeper. Or someone who has a large order. Kind of like the 80 plus year olds who always happen to be in front of me at the inconvenience store who want to by $50 worth of $2 scratch off tickets when I want to pay for my coffee and donuts and go.
  4. Come to think about it I haven’t seen a bagger around here in a while. The best system I’ve seen is where the cart goes in on the cashier’s side, they ring up the items and bag them as they go. It seems fairly efficient. The company (either Harris Teeter or Publix) always has several lines open. And unlike West Bloomfield/Commerce there are very few loose carts in the parking lot)
  5. I’ve only watched parts of a couple of Pitt’s games. I’m intrigued by Kenny Pickett. In a year where the highly touted prospects seem suspect, a four year starter, fifth year senior could possibly be worth a late first round, second round pick? He seems to have the leadership skills and moxie that is currently missing in the incumbent
  6. About six months ago the state changed a left turn on one of the smaller roads leading to a divided roadway. The cross street leads directly to an elementary school. Every week I’m seeing lots of uproar about it on FB, Nextdoor, etc. Not a big deal to me, it’s a Michigan left….
  7. Down here they’ve started installing cameras on busses to catch the illegal drivers. I think their attached to the stop signs, not sure if they are self activated when the sign is out and lights are flashing or not.
  8. First of all I think we’re talking apples and chickpeas here. I see no problems with memorials to the fallen in proper places. Battlefields for one. I happen to like monuments to various units that fought on the battlefield. It gives me some perspective, on where the troops were positioned, number of casualties, etc. Monuments to those who served in various wars in towns and cities seem proper as they are mostly generic. I’ve attended enough Veterans Day events (as a community band member) to appreciate the ceremony. I do think there needs to be more perspective on individual statues. There are very few people in the last 50 years or so who deserve one. On the other hand Yorktown, Va adding a statue of John Baptiste Donatien, Comte de Rochambeau to the trio of Washington, Adm. Francois Joseph Paul and the Marquis de Lafayette seems appropriate given their proximity to the battlefield.😉
  9. As the late Glen Hague said many times the most important tool in your toolbox is your wallet (or something to that effect). In the long run sometimes it’s cheaper to hire someone the first time than to pay extra to have them fix your mistakes.
  10. Most of the confederate soldier monuments were erected in the early 1900s by private groups like sons and daughters of the confederacy. Mostly Jim Crow or KKK related groups or individuals to keep alive the lost cause. Much like those still promoting the Election Lie today. Same mentality. Just another lost cause. Just curious, just exactly where are there G Floyd statues?
  11. Just an addendum. This essay does a good job explaining, at least in my view, why statues like Robert E Lee and such should be relegated to their proper place in history while somewhat justifying keeping Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and the other “founders” in history. https://www.thebulwark.com/robert-e-lee-doesnt-deserve-a-statue-but-thomas-jefferson-does/
  12. BTW several years ago in Williamsburg, Va someone tried to start a “History Park”. It featured giant heads of all the presidents. The park failed to attract visitors and lost money. The heads were bought and moved to a construction company’s lot where they sit decaying. They probably make more money on private tours than when they were accessible to the public. I live in an area dotted with markers and “parks” documenting battles of the Civil War. I really don’t need statues of guys on horses to remind me of the carnage
  13. My Virginia seventh grade social studies book told me most slaves loved their masters, and spent their free time singing and dancing. History is what you want it to be…and can convince the lowest common denominator
  14. New study links placement of confederate monuments to lynching….. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/survey-identifies-correlation-between-confederate-monuments-and-lynchings-180978873/
  15. And you’ll have to give those tax cuts back when they expire in 2025, unless you are in that very top percentage of people who hide their wealth in South Dakota…
  16. To me that’s one of the flaws in the system, especially in a winner take all or at least a large portion of the delegates in a nominating system. While it has its own flaws, I would prefer a ranked voting method. At least ranked voting does help clear the dead wood
  17. Whose fault is that? Unfortunately we can only choose from the menus we’re presented. There is no none of the above option.
  18. My guess is this guy is in a contract dispute with his parent company and his ratings have fallen short of the guy he supposedly replaced. Two bad there are no longer any functional 250 watt AMs in North Dakota for him to migrate to
  19. I’ve always favored a National ID along with multiple places for those who need one to get it, libraries, schools, churches, etc. Those who oppose voting rights disagree.
  20. This is what happens when once semi serious conservatives drink the kool aid
  21. I say let em have their guns, tax the hell out of ammunition
  22. Which explains the proliferation of pot shops in Wall Lake and the lack of masks…😬
  23. Powell declaring that he was pro choice and pro gun control may have made it hard to get the GOP nomination, even in 1996
  24. Refreshing to hear a Republican Governor pushback against his MAGA overlords.
  25. Tear down Wild and Wonderful and make it a parking lot
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