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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. This is a long thread but hits the mark on so many levels there is more, read the whole thing
  2. They all had their personalities, Skip Caray and Pete Van Wieren for the Braves. Harry Caray on the Cubs broadcast and Ralph Kiner with the Mets…
  3. If you were lucky there were three “Super Stations” available. Braves on WTBS, Mets on WOR and Cubs on WGN.
  4. The raising of donations seems has gotten out of hand since Citizens United (Thank you Mrs Clarence Thomas) One of two things need to happen. Either go to public financing of elections (no private donations) or tax the hell out of them. Tax the recipient at a 50 percent rate. And do away with Political Action Committees that these clowns hide behind.
  5. From the above article. I thought the GOP was supposed to be the fiscal responsible party. But then came the Big Spender Former Guy who hasn’t meet a bankruptcy he didn’t like
  6. How much $$$$$ did they grift for themselves?
  7. The issue I always had with DT Chicago was cab drivers and bicycle messengers when it came to crosswalks. They were always out to kill or maim you. Since I was basically doing a reverse commute, walking from Union Station to the State of Illinois building. Between the vehicles and trying trying to swim upstream against normal commuters….
  8. Between that and smoke field studios, cars, etc…throw in asbestos exposure from older homes..it’s a wonder we all don’t come down with ILD
  9. Probably one of the first rock songs I played in my radio career
  10. You got a point. I’ll just go back to yelling at deer in my yard
  11. I was referring to the Virginia Gubernatorial race…
  12. Probably not as bad as the early 1900s. But the oligarchs are taking over if the Trumpists have their way. We’ll owe our soul to the company stores Sorry just feeling very morbid today
  13. Especially since the laws passed in Pennsylvania were proposed and passed by a Republican legislature before the pandemic hit. Probably the same with other states.
  14. Prediction for us all pain. We are back on the slippery slope to company towns
  15. I can tell you how the rigged the GOP Gubernatorial nomination in Michigan. The Party decided they didnt’t want “Trump in heels” as she calls herself to win the nomination if they held a primary. So they set up a non convention nominating system. A series of remote voting areas for chosen “delegates” using ranked voting. Somehow it worked out that the current nominee won after several ballots. They did something similar in one of the congressional because the incumbent wasn’t “Trumpy” enough. Then made some voters in the district drive over three hours to the designated poling area. The challenger’s church in a drive thru election. In Michigan the GOP is looking for complete control over polling place. Wanting to eliminate churches (who provide free space) and unpaid volunteers at polling places and replace them with paid party operatives. I don’t have a problem with requesting IDs at poling places, but the party screaming about it also screamed bloody blue murder over free national IDs.
  16. McConnell and his cohorts have already turned the court into a political body. In fact your side could argue that the court turned political with a couple of appointments made by Eisenhower. Possibly as far back as FDR. Since people are generally living longer than they did in 1790 it kind of makes sense not to have jurors on the bench when they are old and senile
  17. Youngkin has a narrow path. He’s trying to play footsie with the Trump contingent while distancing himself from TFG at the same time. Example, he and the rest of the ticket avoided the Bannon/Trump rally the other night. Meanwhile Young-in privately thanked the organizers for holding a rally. Even to the point of giving them yard signs to litter the highways. He tried to avoid the pledge of allegiance issue and later came out criticizing it (the flag was apparently used during the 1/6 protests). He’s trying to avoid all the hot button issues to appease the Never never Trumpers while giving the far right base a wink and a nod. Besides the nomination was rigged. Who knows who the base would have chosen in a fair contest.
  18. Sounds like Cocaine Mitch and the rest of your party stacking the decks to get the people they want to be eligible to vote while stacking the deck against minorities. I grew up with leaders like Everett Dirksen, Hugh Scott, Charles Percy, Mark Hatfield. Linwood Holton, Richard Poff, John Dalton here in Virginia. They were true to the conservative values of the 1960s and ‘70s. No Trumpublican can hold a candle to these statesmen. The Republican Party has killed the Party of Lincoln, Taft and Eisenhower in favor of the thoughts of Chairman Putin…
  19. Unless it’s a statue they can remove and make political hay…
  20. Can we audit the 2016 election in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as well. Also Florida. They looked a bit fishy to me
  21. It’s 4 feet. The deer here seem smaller than those in Michigan. My assumption is based on tracks a couple of contractors working in the sub noticed around the fence when I was showing it to them. There are berms on either side of me and it probably between midnight and 7 AM Nothing else was disturbed on the patio or porch. The dog never barked…
  22. We just moved here a little over a year ago. I’ve seen deer in the area, it’s a new subdivision, formerly a heavily forested area. I’ve seen them in the area, never expected them to breech the fence. Waiting to hear from the contractor whether we need to replace the panels or the bent bars. BTW, not a big fan of wooden fences, it hides the views. Also more work on upkeep than I want. Then again I never expected this.
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