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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. You forgot this. Rape or incest Abortion is permitted up to 10 weeks of pregnancy in cases of rape or incest The law also: Prohibits abortion pills after 8 weeks of pregnancy Requires abortion pills to be dispensed in person and taken in the presence of a physician States that "human physical life begins when a human ovum is fertilized by a human sperm" Why don't those going to DC vow to adopt or foster children born to rape victims. And or women who may be unable or not capable of raising the child. I have no issue with restricting abortions of a HEALTHY fetus after the second trimester or somewhere near there. But I've seen too many young women (and teen age girls) whose lives were ruined because of a mistake or a very persuasive boy friend. It's just me...
  2. I also like his bottom line....my one caveat is that I fear the people who have his ear, Musk, RFK jr, Jr Trump and the folks wrote the 2025 Declaration of Insurrection ma actually go thru with their plan because Trump's only goal was to get out of jail and gain more graft.
  3. The latest from JVL. Interesting prediction. BTW, just remember who didn't get payment from Mexico for the half built wall, And who got an agreement from Canada to pay for the Gordie Howe International Bridge https://www.thebulwark.com/p/a-new-approach-to-covering-trump?utm_campaign=email-post&r=45wcm&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  4. LOL Oklahoma Gov. Sitt: "We need more prayer in public meetings." Amy Hardy-McAdams, a pagan priestess: "Okay!" Gov. Sitt: "NOT LIKE THAT, SATAN." Always remember: When the (religious) right says "religion" they mean THEIR religion, because other religions "aren't real" and creations of the devil. https://bsky.app/profile/stevekenson.bsky.social/post/3lbumi4kfoc2p
  5. Finally was able to extract myself from the Musk cesspool. Now if the butterfly app would allow us to embed posts. I don't mind the copy, paste, link mode, but was spoiled by the pre-musk setup over on the old bird
  6. Unfortunately writers gotta write, talk show guys need topics to opine on. It's the way of the world. When nothing is happening without speculation you get a lot of blank pages and more audio/video similar to "enjoy this moment of Zen" on YouTube TV. It would be 70s elevator music on the radio.
  7. In other words you are fine with a million more abortions, plus an unknown number of mothers who died under the "right to life's" new draconian rulings. Sounds very MAGA to me.
  8. Well now.... https://bsky.app/profile/nbcnews.com/post/3lbuc5wat2c2r Sounds a bit like Prohibition.
  9. https://bsky.app/profile/crampell.bsky.social/post/3lbsvsep7es2n
  10. I for one can't wait for all those stories next summer deploring the high price of tomatoes and guacamole in grocery stores.
  11. I'm sure FDR saw the effects of an unfettered (or practically unfettered) Capitalism under the Harding administration. And Andrew Mellon's long reign as Secretary of the Treasury
  12. I remember them. Like I've said, if you're ever in the area check out Two Drummers, they're about 15 miles away from the touristy area. Founded by brothers who were members of the CW Fife and Drum Corp (evidently a big honor here for high school kids). They also have a great butcher shop closer to town. And are active in many of the National BBQ competitions as a supplier. The local favorite is Pierces, which has been around since the 70s, it's good, not great. Legend has it that when I64 opened truckers passing thru, the drivers would pull their rigs off the road and hop the fence. The restaurant is located on what used to be the Rt 60 Bypass. In Eastern NC, especially around Raleigh, we often make an effort to visit Smithfield's BBQ and Chicken. Once again good BBQ
  13. They don't have any franchises in MA or NH or anywhere near there. You're really not missing much. Founded by a couple of restaurant executives, one was an Outback executive. The other had sons in the military. They are based in Maryland, just outside and promotes a patriotic atmosphere. TBH the food is nothing to go out of your way for (I can think of at least three better BBQ places here and a NC based chain I prefer to their BBQ. They do give "free" sandwiches to vets one day a week. I have nothing against "being patriotic" I've played in community bands long enough to respect those who served and enjoy watching them stand when we play the "Armed Forces Salute". I do object to those who try to monetize "patriotism" . I've yet to find any Veteran causes that MBQ donates any significant sums of money or donates their products (free catering and such or deep discounts) to any local veterans groups. BTW I also despise the Lee Greenwood song. I feel it's been overplayed and just like the Pledge of Allegiance and Lord's Prayer too many people just go thru the motions leaving them without any real meaning. But to Trumpaholic, Thank you for your service.
  14. I disagree with the narrative that Harris was a horrible candidate. Just take a look at the popular vote totals and percentages and you will see she ran ahead of several of the candidates in the last several cycles. Yes, she lost the popular vote, but it was not anything close to a Trump landslide, except maybe in the undemocratic Electorial College, which is heavily weighed in favor of smaller states and mostly rural areas. https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/donald-trump-vote-margin-narrowed/
  15. Tesla has unveiled its RoboTaxi https://www.axios.com/newsletters/axios-am-b66bb2d0-a91a-11ef-8814-b9598ecea6da.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter_axiosam&stream=top Notice the DeLorian wings
  16. I'm still there, occasionally, for now.
  17. I wouldn't put it past him. They tell me wet and dirty Depends can be annoying.
  18. No attacks, I've eaten there. Pedestrian food from a chain. I prefer good southern pit cooked BBQ from locally owned companies. How much $$$ from their sales actually goes to veteran causes. Their website doesn't mention it. Sorry, I'm not a flag waver. Sue me
  19. MBBQ does give out "free" sandwiches to veterans once a week. From their website Living where I do, there are many much better and less expensive BBQ joints that are extremely active in the community and are locally owned, not franchised. I support their mission
  20. If one actually bothered to do a search, one would find that based on several studies (including crime reports) trangender individuals are more likely to be assaulted in restrooms than "natural women". This includes harassment, intimidation and assult.
  21. I get that. My wife had knee replacement surgery the day after the election (we joked, that at least she'd be unconscious for a while after the election). She's been getting around with a walker. It was a major venture today when we hit the grocery store and ventured into a real restaurant for lunch following her PT. I can't imagine doing any type of distance traveling with a scooter, especially in a city like Boston. Hope things heal quickly.
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