Trump announced that his second term would usher in an era of opulence and glamour. The stock market had “gone through the roof” since the election. Then he told the crowd at Mar-a-Lago about the people he had seen around the country. “They just wanted hope,” he said. “They wanted something; they just didn’t want what they had. . . . When I went around, I heard something that was very interesting: the word ‘grocery.’ It’s sort of such a strange and simple, nice word, you know, ‘I’m going out for groceries today.’ . . . I tell a story about a woman, she got three apples, an old woman, she had three apples and she brought them up to the cash register and she looked at the woman and she said, ‘Is that the right price?’ and the woman said ‘Yes, Ma’am, I’m sorry, yes it is.’ And she said, ‘Oh that’s O.K., could you wait one minute?’ and she took one of the three apples and she brought it back to the refrigeration and she came back gently up to the cash register, and she paid for two apples instead of three.” Those days of scarcity were over, Trump said. When Mar-a-Lago was built, in 1927, for the socialite cereal heiress Marjorie Post, “it was a Roaring Twenties. We’re hotter now than they ever were in the Roaring Twenties, I believe. We’re going to be a lot hotter.”
Two things here. 1)The apples at the local Food Lion are never refrigerated.
2) Trump mentioned the State of the Union in the “Roaring 20s” anybody know what happened right after that. DJT conveniently didn’t mention that in his routine