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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. By your logic, I take it you're not ok with gay men using the men's room...
  2. https://bsky.app/profile/mollyjongfast.bsky.social/post/3lbkmldvjic2c Trump announced that his second term would usher in an era of opulence and glamour. The stock market had “gone through the roof” since the election. Then he told the crowd at Mar-a-Lago about the people he had seen around the country. “They just wanted hope,” he said. “They wanted something; they just didn’t want what they had. . . . When I went around, I heard something that was very interesting: the word ‘grocery.’ It’s sort of such a strange and simple, nice word, you know, ‘I’m going out for groceries today.’ . . . I tell a story about a woman, she got three apples, an old woman, she had three apples and she brought them up to the cash register and she looked at the woman and she said, ‘Is that the right price?’ and the woman said ‘Yes, Ma’am, I’m sorry, yes it is.’ And she said, ‘Oh that’s O.K., could you wait one minute?’ and she took one of the three apples and she brought it back to the refrigeration and she came back gently up to the cash register, and she paid for two apples instead of three.” Those days of scarcity were over, Trump said. When Mar-a-Lago was built, in 1927, for the socialite cereal heiress Marjorie Post, “it was a Roaring Twenties. We’re hotter now than they ever were in the Roaring Twenties, I believe. We’re going to be a lot hotter.” Two things here. 1)The apples at the local Food Lion are never refrigerated. 2) Trump mentioned the State of the Union in the “Roaring 20s” anybody know what happened right after that. DJT conveniently didn’t mention that in his routine
  3. Just wondering whether your physician has recommendations that won’t break the bank.
  4. You need to troll better. Very weak responses. Come on man step it up, be creative. You write like a White Sox fan
  5. Sounds like the old DECA programs back when dinosaurs roamed in the late ‘60s. When you could make a good living in retail. BTW, my wife loves my soft hands. That’s all that matters to me.
  6. Out of likes, exactly. Not everyone or every career needs a degree. Wasn’t that at one time a conservative thought?
  7. While you Trumpers are working overtime to destroy it
  8. If the shoe fits….
  9. I just went looking, the JCC/Williamsburg schools seem to have an interesting array of courses. https://wjccschools.org/academics/curriculum/career-technical-education/
  10. As someone a bit removed from current school systems I have one question. Do they still have shop class anymore? Once again, the only qualm I have with what I perceive of the current setup is that I don't want my tax (state, local, and federal) dollars to fund The First Church of Whatever, or Hoity Toity Private School For People who think their superior? I want my money to go exclusively to the "We will cater to anyone" public school system. And yes you may have a choice, but if you prefer an upgrade it comes out of your pocket not mine.
  11. Under the old definition of conservatives yes, nowadays ????
  12. Sixth grade here. To make matters worse at the time my parents left that Friday evening for a job interview out of state. We stayed with relatives. I spent that weekend sleeping in their semi finished basement listening to a bunch of unfamiliar mechanical noises, very unsettling.
  13. This is where I come from concerning school funding and guidelines I believe we're about the same age and have been there. Leaving the decisions to the states and localities would deepen the divide in education quality between urban and rural areas. The rich communities and counties would get richer, while the inner cities and rural districts would end up fighting for scraps. Finding less funding fewer resources, less support for teachers, administrators and students. I'm very much against any public funding (state, federal or local) going to private institutions. Let's go back to the days that if a church or educational corporation wants to fund a school so be it. But don't take away my taxpayer money to fund your private school.
  14. Trump has never been a competent manager if you've ever done a dive into his companies. Even the few good people he's hired wind up leaving or getting fired. Very few have many positive things to say about him. But America seems lo love clowns, especially a those who in reality are pure assholes, drunks and theives
  15. True, I used to shake my head at family members who used to talk about "the old says". Now I wish I had some wisdom to ask questions about "family secrets" and such.
  16. Two questions, given the timing of Biden's meltdown, who would you have picked to be the alternate nominee. And please show your work. By the way, your side allegedly won the election. I'll bet you won't see Harris spending the next four years pretending it was rigged like our sore loser President Elect and his disciples
  17. As one old enough to remember Geraldine Ferraro and goes way back to liking Republican Margaret Chase Smith, the good old boy network is still in charge, unfortunately. Again I remind myself, it was as recent as the late 1970's when my wife was told by the general manager of the most popular station in Richmond, Va (think of a southern version of WJR back in the day) "A woman will never work morning drive on my station"
  18. Pam Bondi, come on down! You're the next Trump A-G nominee At least she has actual experience as an AG, even if it was Florida
  19. Another friend of Donald's
  20. https://bsky.app/profile/briantylercohen.bsky.social/post/3lbhyiv2xzc2g
  21. https://bsky.app/profile/emineirmakyucel.bsky.social/post/3lbhmkmeyjs2k I say bring it on, expose them all both Democrats and Republicants. Drain the swamp, because the incoming regime definitely won't
  22. Just another shot in the war against the working class. Just let them know they voted for this.
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