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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. This is brilliant... https://theonion.com/heres-why-i-decided-to-buy-infowars/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3QW8HbmU8_odkp98DubwKgmCY39vzfLsJPFv_4PUuyBe5kxHDRfqQ43iY_aem_SSKp93wujTTVNVXfi_6UKA
  2. I was thinking Education, but since they're shuttering that position. HUD may be the next best fit
  3. All I can envision is bread and TP lines
  4. Congratulations, keep up the work. A few years ago after a trip to Ireland where we discovered Barry Douglas and Camerata Ireland my wife decided she needed to get back into music. She had played violin thru high school and college but life intervened as it almost always does. She got the violin out of the closet and joined a local orchestra. That lead to the founding of another orchestra (Spectrum Orchestra in the Farmington Hills/Birmingham area). For a while she had a blog called Midlife Musicians chronicling the return to music in late middle age. The result of her efforts led me to take up the saxophone (I played clarinet in high school but drooped it soon after) I had always wanted to try the sax so when she decided she wanted a grand piano I got the sax. Which led me to lessons and search for a group to play with. The first group was part of an organization called New Horizons for Music, founded by a professor at Eastman School for Music in NY. The program caters to older adults who either played or wanted to learn to play an instrument (mostly concert bands nationwide). Because of New Horizons, I got to attend "Band Camp" at Interlochen , and a couple more places. A combination of dental issues and COVID has reduced my playing time along with a dearth of concert bands in our new area. I plunk a bit on the piano we have (nice that the electronic ones have headphones) and play the sax a bit in the garage. Maybe I need to spend time there working up some stuff for the holidays,
  5. I looked it up. 1983 Reinsdorf threatened to move the team to St Petersburg if he didn’t get a new stadium. The Illinois legislature caved at the last minute. Ive always called the current Sox Park Comiskey II
  6. Somebody needs to do a deep dive investigation on whether Musk is in the country legally. I've seen reports he and his brother may have lied on their papers.
  7. As did whomever owned the White Sox pre Comiskey II. I'm assuming it was Reinsdorf.
  8. Clock or time-bomb? (between the election and spouse's knee replacement surgery, That ticking could just be me
  9. Maybe we need to transition to a post election thread. Anyway... Tom Nichols (radio freedom)
  10. I have no clue why it decided I had an invalid handle. I just changed the handle to CMRivdog52@cemyers52.bsky.social. Lets see if that works.
  11. cemyers52@bsky.social
  12. Especially since the team can't decide where it wants to put a stadium they want someone else to build. They've spent enough looking to finance the needed infrastructure at the racetrack in Arlington Heights.
  13. I had to give both credit since the Bluesky folks linked to the Post.
  14. Breaking news: Jack Teixeira, the Massachusetts Air National Guard member responsible for a sprawling leak of classified information, was sentenced Tuesday to 15 years in prison in a case that shook the U.S. national security community. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/11/12/jack-teixeira-sentence-discord-leak/
  15. From BSKY and the WPO
  16. From BSKY and the WPO
  17. Mike Huckabee, next U-S Ambassador to Isreal
  18. I tend to agree. Show the American public your better angels. Trumpers are going to Trump and if they can't Trump they'll whine and pout like the children they are
  19. JVL brought up an interesting point concerning the inauguration. Should Biden and Harris return the favor to Trump by boycotting the event, or should they show up and make it seem like an act of submission in the public's eye. In Trump's world their presence would make them seem weak and like losers. https://www.thebulwark.com/p/you-have-all-these-norms-and-you?utm_campaign=email-post&r=45wcm&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  20. I have no problems with the school. My GS is doing quite well and is the star of the school's Quiz Team (he's in 7th grade). From the way my son talks they are paying full tuition.
  21. To answer your question https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/most-americans-think-us-k-12-stem-education-isnt-above-average-but-test-results-paint-a-mixed-picture/#:~:text=By Brian Kennedy,pupils in these other countries.
  22. Google is your friend. I'm still looking for your definition of public.
  23. "Let the scum eat cake"
  24. That didn't exactly answer my question. Once again define public in your world as it pertains to school attendence
  25. Didn't we fight a war over that over 100 years ago. Or at least that's what the losing side's argument is
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