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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. https://x.com/mehdirhasan/status/1856158197439946831?s=61&t=akgNyUltuSb7RN54lulxTw https://x.com/ronfilipkowski/status/1856157547750629554?s=61&t=akgNyUltuSb7RN54lulxTw
  2. In other words, folks who know where the bodies are buried. (Besides on his golf courses)
  3. He couldn't be any worse than the current Trump appointed guy. Probably gut it quicker as well.
  4. He already has several police dept contracts. I've seen a few on the streets near here.
  5. Little Marco Rubio to State per NYT
  6. Colonial Williamsburg
  7. The social media's annual post about when CW is decorated for Christmas. They've only been doing it during the same time for about 100 years now. Do your own homework you lazy bums
  8. It was frequently on in one of my classrooms while I was in high school. I think it was social studies. A bunch of us would bug out of lunch and hang out there
  9. They'll privatize the schools. More cronies to make a buck and cost the little guy $$$. When America was allegedly great (after WWII thru the 50s, 60, 70s, according to the Trumpers) the reality was if you didn't like what the local systems taught you actually paid for the education. Once the schools were desecrated these folks pushed for government supported alternatives.
  10. I have a family member who worked for an engineering/architectural firm that got into bed with Tesla a few years ago. It was a fiasco. The company had to do some major downsizing as a result. Musk is another one of those guys who thinks he's the smartest in the room.
  11. I agree, it seems all over the place now. Mostly another version of Threads. What I miss is when there's breaking news, the Old Bird seemed to have it covered, much like your very own wire service. Now it's Troll City with a few exceptions. Cant wait to see what he does with the economy. He's a worse business person than DJT
  12. Because Tariffs worked so well for farmers last time. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2020/01/21/trump-tariff-aid-to-farmers-cost-more-than-us-nuclear-forces/
  13. Maybe if a few so called Libertarians actually joined the party rather than being faux Republicans. It would be interesting to be able to see some actual coalition building in legislatures
  14. Testing....
  15. Yep, as long as the Electoral College is set up as it has been since the states turned voting for the Chief Executive over to the voters rather than a group of "Wise Men" and the vast majority of the states made the distribution of the EC votes "winner take all" Plus you could blame Messrs Jefferson and Adams for forming political parties in the first place.
  16. I'm hoping Jimmy Carter outlives him
  17. I'm pretty much the same. The Virginia Social Studies book in the fourth and seventh grades were not very helpful. My wife's history major was during that period. Most of what I know is by osmosis
  18. I've been reading a bit of McBrides stuff lately. (Saw him at the Library of Congress book fair). I may have to check this out. (I wonder if the Library of Congress will make the new administration's cuts) Fun fact, when Bush Jr was sworn in Barbara Bush asked David Rubinstein if the Library of Congress had a book fair. His reply, there will be one next year. He's been the major sponsor ever since. It would be a shame to see it and the Institute of Museums and Library Services end up on Musk's chopping board.
  19. How is Last's argument much different from Mitch McConnell's vow to make Obama a one term President. The GOP has been stonewalling everything Democrats have proposed for years, without offering any viable alternatives.
  20. If the Confederate Nation would have kept the war in the south they may have prolonged the war. However I think the aggressiveness of Sherman and to a certain extant Grant finally turned the tide with the battles in the Southern States as opposed to mamsy pamsey General McClellan
  21. They would have loved to have captured the District of Columbia. Force a surrender and continue the government they had already set up in the states that left the Union. Lincoln had to sneak into DC for his inauguration. Recommended reading Eric Larson's Demon of Unrest. A good overview to the events that led up to the attack at Fort Sumpter. A lot of parallels to what is happening now politically.
  22. https://bsky.app/profile/washingtonpost.com/post/3lahgnpwoyu2s
  23. I am rapidly coming around to the JV Last philosophy. Let Trump have his way. Then when everything falls apart (by 2026, the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence) do everything you can to point out that everything, the economy, lack of available workers, lack of decent healthcare falls on the backs of the Republicans (even the ever rising deficit). Campaign like hell in every Congressional district, every incumbent senate seat. The U-S has become a hell hole because of Trump's policies. https://open.substack.com/pub/thebulwark/p/a-modest-proposal-let-trump-be-trump?r=45wcm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email And if things are surprisingly better in 2026 and I'm still above ground, I'll own it. Til then let Trump be Trump and just smile when the Trumpaholics complain. (Actually they'll be surprisingly quiet by then)
  24. I've been spending the past couple days catering to my spouse who had a bionic knee put in Wednesday. The Sun came up both days. I still have concerns about the future of health care under the new regime as well as inflation if DJT gets his way with tariffs. At least the neighbor Trumpers have taken down their HOA forbidden flag (again) and if I'm out walking the dog ( or run into them at the dog park) I'll still refuse to engage for a while. They seem nice, but the grudge lingers. Meanwhile looking forward to statewide elections next year and the election of future Governor Spanberger.
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