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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Didn't we fight a war over that over 100 years ago. Or at least that's what the losing side's argument is
  2. Unless it comes to things you don't like
  3. Define public in your world. Full transparency, my grandson goes to a parochial school. His parents are fine with paying tuition (we really don't discuss it). It's their choice, I'm fine with it. I also don't live in their community
  4. I guess for me the bottom line is I want the portion of my tax money for schools to go to local public schools. I don't want to fund private interests religious or otherwise.
  5. 98% of the vouchers go to religious schools. Doesn't that violate the separation of Church and State (one of the foundations the nation was founded on)? Do the churches pay taxes on tuition money? Once again I'm not opposed to private schools, but as a taxpayer whose child left the system 20 plus years ago why should I be underwriting religious indoctrination? And yes you may have an opportunity to practice whatever religion you choose, I have no problem there. Just don't do it at my expense.
  6. I have a niece who teaches in one of the poorest counties in Virginia (Westmoreland County), the area is fairly similar to Michigan's Thumb region above Bay City. There is one private school about 30 miles away. She has stories to tell about some of their kids and backgrounds that break your heart. What do you tell them? One of the problems is not just funding or underfunding a school system, but making sure parents are also equipped to handle the situations. Many of these folks have no clue on parenting because they were never taught. It takes more than money and the states and Feds have never addressed the problem efficiently.
  7. Vouchers effectively reduce the amount of funds that would normally go to school systems. Most public schools funding is based on the number of students. Vouchers virtually guarantee eventual failure of the public schools in favor of private or charter schools. Basically the rich get richer and the poor get screwed. It's a foregone conclusion that private funded institutions can pick or choose students as opposed to public schools who must accept anyone. This effectively reduces the quality of education in public schools. Once again enforcing the argument that schools are failing. Reduction in funding also reduces the chance that public schools can hire better educators. Private and charter schools do not have the same degree of oversight that public institutions have, yet they still receive public funding because of vouchers. Once again less money for schools means fewer options for lower middle class and poor students. Perpetuating the poverty rate in many inner city and low populated rural areas. Personally I feel that every parent can send their kids to whatever school they want. I just don't want my tax money to underwrite them.
  8. If a split between Trump and Musk does occur we might be looking at the implementation of the 25th Amendment we're halfway expecting. I see Vance more aligning with the Musk factions. While what we're hearing about appointments seem to lean more heavily on Trump loyalists, I do expect to see a large number who would be willing to throw him overboard should Trump stumble. The big question is where does Vlad stand on this?
  9. Interesting takeaway on where voters received their information during this past cycle. Seems like a lot of it evolved like the old game of telephone https://www.chip50.org/reports/2024-us-elections-sources-of-news-and-information
  10. Does that mean more Ted Cruz reading Goodnight Moon. They need to also make the speeches relative and include mandatory fact checking.
  11. Especially when you factor in aid to farmers who were affected by the tariffs, according to the posted article, about $28 million. I seem to remember a large chunk went to agri business, not to mention several members of Congress who claimed to have "family farms" It was a bit like the first round of subsidies during COVID several members of Congress (or family members) on both sides of the aisle made out fairly well. https://rollcall.com/2020/07/08/14m-in-relief-funds-find-members-and-family/
  12. https://x.com/mehdirhasan/status/1856158197439946831?s=61&t=akgNyUltuSb7RN54lulxTw https://x.com/ronfilipkowski/status/1856157547750629554?s=61&t=akgNyUltuSb7RN54lulxTw
  13. In other words, folks who know where the bodies are buried. (Besides on his golf courses)
  14. He couldn't be any worse than the current Trump appointed guy. Probably gut it quicker as well.
  15. He already has several police dept contracts. I've seen a few on the streets near here.
  16. Little Marco Rubio to State per NYT
  17. Colonial Williamsburg
  18. The social media's annual post about when CW is decorated for Christmas. They've only been doing it during the same time for about 100 years now. Do your own homework you lazy bums
  19. It was frequently on in one of my classrooms while I was in high school. I think it was social studies. A bunch of us would bug out of lunch and hang out there
  20. They'll privatize the schools. More cronies to make a buck and cost the little guy $$$. When America was allegedly great (after WWII thru the 50s, 60, 70s, according to the Trumpers) the reality was if you didn't like what the local systems taught you actually paid for the education. Once the schools were desecrated these folks pushed for government supported alternatives.
  21. I have a family member who worked for an engineering/architectural firm that got into bed with Tesla a few years ago. It was a fiasco. The company had to do some major downsizing as a result. Musk is another one of those guys who thinks he's the smartest in the room.
  22. I agree, it seems all over the place now. Mostly another version of Threads. What I miss is when there's breaking news, the Old Bird seemed to have it covered, much like your very own wire service. Now it's Troll City with a few exceptions. Cant wait to see what he does with the economy. He's a worse business person than DJT
  23. Because Tariffs worked so well for farmers last time. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2020/01/21/trump-tariff-aid-to-farmers-cost-more-than-us-nuclear-forces/
  24. Maybe if a few so called Libertarians actually joined the party rather than being faux Republicans. It would be interesting to be able to see some actual coalition building in legislatures
  25. Testing....
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