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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Dang, even RFK Jr is wearing blackface now
  2. I tend to agree. They don't like Trump but either are afraid or don't really trust Harris for whatever reason
  3. As did Woodrow Wilson as I recall. A bit of digging confirms he did and used the wool to raise money for the Red Crosd during WWI https://clintonwhitehouse5.archives.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/ww28.html#:~:text=Twenty-Eighth President 1913-1921&text=Fun Fact%3A Sheep on the,Cross during World War I.
  4. Unfortunately they keep it in an unlit office
  5. I represent that remark (as one of the last of the Boomers)
  6. I'm not sure it is as much Amazon as it is his space company Blue Origin. The announcement happened at the same time Blue Origin managers met with Trump. He's hoping to keep his government contracts alive and not controlled by Musk
  7. This probably needs its own thread but is anyone familiar with Neil Howe's book The Fourth Turning is Her. It's a follow-up to The Fourth Turning that says that there is a cyclical pattern of American history that happens every 80-100 years. It's laid out in four cycles High, Awakening, Unraveling and Crisis. According to Howe we are in the Crisis Cycle a period of upheaval that will last until the 2030s similar to the Revolutionary War, Civil War, The Great Depression, etc. We're seeing the last of the "Boomers" in power with Gen X'ers taking control. This was mentioned by our financial guy in passing while discussing our finances. (It was after all the business was completed and we touched briefly on the election) Im hoping the more pragmatic X know what the heck they're doing
  8. If these folks were really serious they'd cancel their Amazon subscriptions and accounts
  9. And he wants us to anoint him for a second term as Complainer in Chief. I hope he totally pisses of Rupert...
  10. I agree, if feels so 1960ish. But don't forget how long it took for suffrage in this country. And as recent as the mid to late 70s there were occupations who were very reluctant or restricted the # of women hired
  11. And so it begins...
  12. Judging from my interaction with Islamic cab drivers at DTW 10 plus years ago, I'd say they would break for Trump. Some of the most homophobic, women demeaning people I've ever dealt with.
  13. Trumpub's keep yapping about deporting violent illegal aliens. Why don't we deport violent US citizens as well. Start with the 1/6/2021 convicted rioters
  14. I tend to agree. The WP is a small percentage of his holdings. That's the reason I'm seeing some people poo-pooing the cancel the Post subscription movement. It hurts employees more than JB. Now if there is an anti-Amazon movement....
  15. Can we expect to see tanks in Georgia (the republic, not the state soon) Thread...
  16. At least they had a reason in 1968 as opposed to "our owner didn't want to piss off a dictator wanna-be"
  17. I'm old enough to have have played Dixie in high school. It was the unofficial fight song way back in the late '60s. We changed it to Peter Gunn. I learned at age 15 how offensive the song is. I'm 72 now. It's not "woke" it's enlightenment.
  18. All that was missing at MSG was the white sheets. They told us exactly who they were and anyone who votes for them are exactly the same
  19. The powers to be tells you everything you heard and saw on that stage was a lie
  20. I love Joniak’s understated call
  21. I thought this was billed as a policy speech. The whole party is unhinged
  22. As a side, my son sent pictures of the line at his Westland precinct today. Very impressive. I also love the "I voted stickers" Michigan is using, he picked up the entire set since on one was manning the table.
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