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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. I tend to agree. The WP is a small percentage of his holdings. That's the reason I'm seeing some people poo-pooing the cancel the Post subscription movement. It hurts employees more than JB. Now if there is an anti-Amazon movement....
  2. Can we expect to see tanks in Georgia (the republic, not the state soon) Thread...
  3. At least they had a reason in 1968 as opposed to "our owner didn't want to piss off a dictator wanna-be"
  4. I'm old enough to have have played Dixie in high school. It was the unofficial fight song way back in the late '60s. We changed it to Peter Gunn. I learned at age 15 how offensive the song is. I'm 72 now. It's not "woke" it's enlightenment.
  5. All that was missing at MSG was the white sheets. They told us exactly who they were and anyone who votes for them are exactly the same
  6. The powers to be tells you everything you heard and saw on that stage was a lie
  7. I love Joniak’s understated call
  8. I thought this was billed as a policy speech. The whole party is unhinged
  9. As a side, my son sent pictures of the line at his Westland precinct today. Very impressive. I also love the "I voted stickers" Michigan is using, he picked up the entire set since on one was manning the table.
  10. That was pretty much the argument I made to my sister in a conversation. She doesn't want to vote for Trump (I'm assuming she's a two time voter, I know her husband is) but wasn't sure what she'd get from Harris. I pointed out that it was likely to be Republican majorities in both the House and Senate and she'd like be constrained. I'm hoping my argument worked. He husband is a lost cause, definitely a good ole boy who is very proud of his "Appalachian" accent.
  11. Looks like a replay of Trump's Greatest Hits
  12. Another one of those where you stand politically tests. Mine seemed close. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/09/08/opinion/republicans-democrats-parties.html?campaign_id=190&emc=edit_ufn_20241027&instance_id=137922&nl=from-the-times&regi_id=73869733&segment_id=181485&user_id=ab209330359f3e3101d0a3b6a50d1777
  13. Quid pro quo
  14. They're not even pretending to hide it anymore. Why would anyone even consider to vote for today's Republican Party
  15. My wife's told me stories of what might not be considered "assult" but at least harassment in her employment 40 plus years ago. She was a young radio reporter, back then it was still primarily a male oriented business. They are all believable, from jocks dropping trousers to get a reaction while she was doing the news to well known personalities groping her in dark hallways. She worked evenings, there was a culture of morning guys who "slept over" on potential snow storm mornings. I can remember a couple of times stopping by another station where I was employed as was asked by the young woman who was on air to stick around because the contract engineer was there and he had a history and reputation on "hitting on young women". Back then going to management was basically useless, it was a good ole boys network. Outside of a "strict warning" or a slap on the wrist nothing was going to happen.
  16. You couldn't script that ending
  17. Any other candidate did this in a regular basis it would be all over the corporate press. With Daddy it's "we've got to down play his lateness, crass and divisive comments, lies, etc because if we piss him off he may eat into out massive tax cuts"
  18. I think it's a google thing. It's happening more and more to me on other sites as well
  19. OK, I really can't argue with this. If the WP came out in print and said our owner and publisher is afraid of Trump's retaliation if he's elected so we're not endorsing anyone it would probably better accepted.
  20. It's also a slippery slope. As I've pointed out newspapers in the past have judiciously separated what is printed on its editorial pages from what appears in the rest of the publications. When a publisher or owner decides to quash a decision of his/her editorial staff in favor of his/her other business interests or out of fear of retribution from a political candidate or group goes against the assumed principles of freedom of the press. Especially if that publication's masthead is Democracy Dies in Darkness. I've seen it on the broadcast side with the death of the Fairness Doctrine and takeover of the airwaves by giant companies who only care about the bottom line. Just add today's WP saga to the obituary of the printed media.
  21. Newspapers have been issuing editorials since before the printing press was invented. A discerning reader can tell the difference between the news section and the opinion pages. The fact that the owner of the paper overruled his editorial board should be News. Bezos capitulated to Trump. That is news.
  22. It would not surprise me. If Harris is leading come January after all the recounts, 1/6/2021 will look like a picnic in the park
  23. The paper that took down Nixon, bending knee to Trump. Ms Graham and Ben Bradlee are both churning in their graves
  24. JVL gets it right again RE Washington Post https://www.thebulwark.com/p/bezos-kills-washington-post-endorsement-guardrails-falling?utm_source=substack&publication_id=87281&post_id=150729926&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=false&r=45wcm&triedRedirect=true
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