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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. He removed the state from the national organization that shares voting information, especially if a person has changed locations and legally registered to vote in their new residence. Like several Red governors https://www.wric.com/news/virginia-news/federal-judge-orders-virginia-to-halt-voter-removal-program-put-people-back-on-voter-rolls/?utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=t.co
  2. I'd work with that. But keep in mind your SS card is not considered an ID per the SS Administration.
  3. One of the things I could never understand for an ID here. When I applied for a Virginia drivers license they required my Social Security Card. The card itself says it should not be considered an ID. I mislaid my card while moving and forgot about it until the day of my DMV appointment (it was during COVID). I had my Michigan drivers license, also my passport. Both have pictures and are considered ID's. It's stupid stuff like that that drives me nuts. Many businesses require a SS# for payroll and issue ID's with photos. Why can't that be good enough for state election officials. It all goes back to the days when only white land owing males could vote. Now that most everything is on line, proving citizenship should be easier. If you're an immigrant you should have voting privileges automatically bestowed. Same with natural born citizens, they should be automatically registered on their 18th birthday.
  4. Don't be so hard on yourself. You may have one or two good qualities.
  5. You really need to find better friends. Most of the older folks I know are voting Harris
  6. I'll ask another question then, how would you make it easier? https://www.law.com/thelegalintelligencer/2021/08/13/identification-is-harder-to-obtain-than-you-think/?slreturn=20241025100955
  7. Patting them on the head? Isn't that what they've accused Biden of doing and calling it fondling?
  8. How many of these states make it extremely difficult to obtain a legal I'd, without having to pay $$$$ to correct errors or obtain things like a birth certificate. I don't disagree that proper ID should be necessary but in many areas unless you are a privileged white male obtaining the proper papers (whether name change, lost birth certificate, stolen ID) can be difficult because of draconian laws.
  9. What states don't require some proof of citizenship. I'll listen on line
  10. What I find a bit interesting is that my zip leans blue but Trump is close in donations. In my very old zip it's heavily Harris, (blue collar NE Roanoke, Va city) but Trump has about a 5-1 lead in donations. In fact every zip code I've checked the Orange Grifter has raised more money
  11. I'm putting my $$ on smaller non profit news organizations. Watch what your local PBS station is doing (or not doing). I've been surprised by organizations like AXIOS, especially with their small local newsrooms. There are a couple of small local on line publications who are attempting to take the place of newspapers who have been decimated or completely shuttered by corporate raiders. I don't know the future, they all may go the way of the do do or small market radio and newspapers. But one could hope
  12. Personal note I do volunteer work at one of the areas top tourist employers. They've cut the number of paid employees in the customer service area. Put in ticket kiosks, promoted on line sales, etc. then expect us non paid people to fill in the cracks. We do get some nice perks (discounts). It's been a good place to volunteer otherwise but They're doing away with free parking for visitors next week (just in time for Christmas) guess who gets to take most of the **** from visitors about that.
  13. I just want them to occasionally have working shake machines
  14. You can say the same about things like parking garages. I learned today that Colonial Williamsburg is doing away with free parking at the regions Visitor Center and will be charging $10 for parking, payable thru one of the several parking apps the region is affiliated with. I can't wait to tell all those folks who just want to walk around in CW it's going to cost them to park, plus try to explain how they have to use the app.
  15. Perhaps the fix is in in Wisconsin with those crooked Door County politicians (Channeling my inner Trump)
  16. This There is no Trump moment without manufactured rage. Just wait until these sheep lose their Medicare. Hell right now they’re having fits trying to decifer Medicare Advantage. It’s simple, under M-A you’re screwed
  17. Wasn’t that the Clinton strategy? At least she didn’t call Milwaukee a ****hole city
  18. I’m retired and in the place I want to be. As I’ve said recently I expect the country to lean more toward Orbanism than Nazism. I do fear the so called Christian Nationalist since their beliefs are nothing close to the teachings of Christ. I also wonder who’s going to do all those jobs Trump loving white people don’t want to do. Especially since those are the jobs Trumpers are claiming that “nobody wants to work anymore”
  19. "He gets to be lawless, she has to be flawless" Van Jones
  20. That's the argument I've been making with those who ask me how I'm voting. Trump had guardrails in 2016, both in his administration and in a divided Congress. If Harris wins it's still likely that at least one House of Congress will be Republican, and the Court isn't moving to the left any time soon. Trump will have both houses and the courts in his pocket.
  21. We friends of Lafayette are quite upset. Especially after all we did for him nearly 250 years ago.
  22. That's what they used to tell reporters before the corporate guys took over
  23. While I hope that we don't go as far as Germany, I do fear we approach Hungary and Victor Orban. Either way we can kiss our Republic goodbye https://thecycle.substack.com/p/what-really-happens-if-trump-wins?utm_source=multiple-personal-recommendations-email&utm_medium=email&triedRedirect=true
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