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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Basically the same people who complain about development in our quasi rural county but moved here 15 years ago
  2. Tom Brady has been approved as a minority owner of the Raiders. How can he possibly continue to do his job as analyst
  3. Just a picture of him wearing a hair net might be worth seeing. The first "real work" he's probably done in his life
  4. The thing that frightens me is that Harris wins 1/06/2021 may be a walk in the park compared to what we may see in January. If she looses, we get 4 more years of Trump and whatever hell Vance and the folks who wrote the Project 2025 book think up. We may not have to worry about the 2026 anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. I saw this the other night. It scares the bejesus out of me https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26681810/ I wish some could talk me off the cliff
  5. This was the guy who couldn't get a date for the homecoming dance yet thought he was the coolest person in the room
  6. He's running out of artists to rip off,
  7. This election has reached the point where Never Trumpers like Rick Wilson channel Beowulf And Charlie Sykes quotes Dante when refering to Anti Trump Republicans who refuse to cross over https://charliesykes.substack.com/p/america-needs-an-intervention-doesnt?r=2k4r8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true Meanwhile Sir Donald is caught swaying to the music saying nothing for nearly 40 minutes. These are the times when my 72 year old mind comes close to saying, Lord, take me now.
  8. Read the entire thread on the Trump "Myth" (lies)
  9. Wrong thread, site makes it nearly impossible to delete sometimes
  10. I wonder if last night's Time To Say Goodbye performance had anything to do with it
  11. The Jets need to get it over with and just name Rodgers player/head coach....
  12. The entire segment was good. The last question....
  13. The clip I keep seeing is him swaying to Time to Say Goodbye. The song has become something like the second most popular song to play at funerals. Not exactly a way to stir up a crowd at a rally
  14. My guess is his Depends were not very dependable and his diaper was so full he couldn't move. Or at least not in front of 50 plus people.
  15. Even when the Lions beat the snot out of the Cowboys they find a way to screw them
  16. I was under the impression he wanted to deport Azorasians or something...
  17. I've read rumblings of a conspiracy to invoke the 25th amendment once he takes the oath. This coming from the Vance/Elon Right
  18. Or with another organization who will figure out a way to rehabilitate him
  19. I just want him to put his money where his mouth is for once. Just remember he's always had someone bail him out of a jam. The guy has never accomplished anything on his own
  20. Harris should accept the offer on the condition Trump takes the same test. Do it on live TV. PBS to host moderated by Judy Woodruff. Make it a 60 or 90 minute special, those tests don't take that long. I'd also throw in a few motor skills options, even a six minute walk test. A physician and psychologist selected by a private non partisan medical group. (Someone like the Mayo Clinic, Duke, or whomever). The candidates can be isolated in separate areas. Test one then the other. I bet Trump would back out.
  21. Do you bring Hooker in for the 4th? Especially if the put up points on this drive.
  22. Read the story and reminds me of the on line comments about this a few weeks ago. Especially since the "ring" was in the vicinity of Fort Eustis https://www.yahoo.com/news/mysterious-black-ring-appears-sky-212530161.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKLeiHZbQZh3YOKY7at0h8vKnnlB65X0rgTJVVjd-tKzGbWw6dplljkz7g-S4W94h412iw2zHKxq9sdC0tuUqSKUjXlqlEuzVyhdNEwHprbt2RQkvzpl8ARfZ1fq1nTxVAmQE1dGh14b8opu5gR5hJBPrA1bWIBsNXsS_yISFH7L
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