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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Bill Kristol says it much more succinctly in today's Bullwerk
  2. More from last night's Obama appearance. Dems need to hammer this home. My feeling has long been that a certain percentage of men are afraid of women leaders. I'm married to a strong intelligent woman and over the past 45 plus years have watched how she's been passed over for several promotions because of the "Boys Club" in her industry. And with a woman of color it's probably more prominent
  3. More of this please
  4. As long as it's not a Buc-ees
  5. Jonathan Last writing about that today https://www.thebulwark.com/p/the-polls-are-not-underestimating?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=87281&post_id=150049794&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=45wcm&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email I guess the translation is who the hell knows
  6. And now he's dissing his supporters
  7. Now he's dissing the folks who worked so hard to bring the city back. Just what this country needs a clueless, racist idiot
  8. Somebody please ask grandpa Trump about being abused by Foxconn, a company from China, that he touted early in his administration. Just wait until Elon turns on him like he has other "partners" and don't forget Elon is an alien just like several of Trump's other "friends" in the high tech industry.
  9. Mitt will be gone when his term expires in January, his party doesn't want him.... What does he have to lose?
  10. I'm holding out for free steaks for every grill... I'll wager he'll never advocate interest free loans on tuitions...making the retroactive to 20 years
  11. And he's paying for it how?
  12. Meanwhile Trump's hiding from the mainstream press
  13. True, since the plan was only approved earlier this year a facility like they seem to be planning can't be constructed overnight. They're going to have to patch up the old facility or temporarily relocate somewhere. It took over a year to repair the facility in New Orleans after Katrina
  14. She's bringing out the "Big Dogs". Is Obama next...
  15. Or let the team play in Durham for the next two seasons. If they can let the A's play in a minor league park, why not the Rays.
  16. Athletic has a piece out today giving Ben Johnson the early favorite position for the Jets if they decide to move on from Ulbrich https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5832658/2024/10/10/ny-jets-coach-bill-belichick-johnson-rodgers/?source=freedailyemail&campaign=601983&userId=213687 edit From reading the article, Johnson seems to be the favorite for any head coach opening next season
  17. Construction's not scheduled to start til the Winter of '25 with a '28 opening.
  18. This is pretty entertaining...
  19. I remember having a chat with a Democrat worker in our neighbor about a week or so before the election. She didn't sound very encouraging. Our subdivision had several older Eastern Europeans living in it. They were all going for Trump at the time. Not surprising since on my limited encounters with a few of them (non political) they were all jerks.
  20. These storms remind me a bit of some of the bigger storms of the 60s and early 70s. Especially Helene was reminiscent of Agnes, lots of rain and flooding of SW and South Central Virginia. The intensity seems worth, more storms reaching CAT 4 and 5. Tornadoes have been an outgrowth of the Tropical storms for as long as I remember. Throw in the fact that many of the areas that were mostly rural 30, 40, 50 years ago have seen large population growth and the water has no where to go.
  21. I'll take anything I can get. The good news for us this past year is whatever change there was on Medicare drug prices helped quite a bit. From paying nearly $700 a month for Ofev after copay to nothing the last several months. Now just hoping the price of TP drops
  22. But he told us COVID was fake
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