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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. The poorest people have always wanted to come to America because they wanted a better life. It's true from the earliest settlers to today. It's a zero sum game. It's also true that those who have been here a minute or so fear those coming into their territory. Especially if they're from a different nationality.
  2. Carl Rove checks in...
  3. Who's causing trouble now?
  4. Probably wishful thinking, but reading between the lines... Does the comment on the hip injury set up a possibility of an injury related buyout of his contract and open the door for an insurance settlement?
  5. Goes under the heading of if you keep lying it eventually becomes the truth. Trump Law #2345698
  6. #1 with a bullet today
  7. The harsh reality. Someone had to say it
  8. One last quick take on the Ohio dog/cat/Hatian issue (non issue) If these fine residents are leaving their pets outside to run loose unsupervised, they deserve to be eaten.
  9. It took Bloomberg to facilitate it.
  10. Just in time for Election Day
  11. Evidently it is legal to hunt geese. https://www.eregulations.com/ohio/hunting/waterfowl-migratory-bird-hunting-regulations Geese are probably one of the nastiest fouls out there, stubborn and self centered. I've seen them hold up traffic on numerous occasions.
  12. I meant to finish my thought and got distracted. It's no longer "Morning in America". The picture and the MEME reminds me of a recent Front Line series of reports bring back interviews with Bill Moyers. Trump knows how to play their grievances, the problem is the victims are still getting played by the same folks who created the situation. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/two-american-families/
  13. Trump could BBQ a poodle in Times Square and they’d still vote for him. Because “poodles are nasty”
  14. The German Judge weighs in
  15. This is all you need to know
  16. Right after he announces his infrastructure plan
  17. Let the lady prosecutor have the time he stole at the end. I really want to see her riff.
  18. The one who later admitted he wasn't really undecided?
  19. If this was a prize fight, Trump would have been counted out by now. He can't be winning any undecided voters, just preaching to the choir.
  20. Has Trump looked at Harris once this debate? His body language shows he's intimidated
  21. They must be doing a good job. Fake Conservatives are complying about them
  22. If Trump looses in November will he blame Putin. Now that he said he believes him
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