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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. The AMC Gremlin would like a word
  2. This definitely belongs in the Idiocracy thread... As long as I remember school nurses couldn't hand out any drugs without explicit instructions from at least a parent, let alone major surgury.
  3. Or talk about making breakfast for her nieces on a Sunday morning when the President calls
  4. He’s really good at this
  5. Did he just confess again?
  6. A 3:40 start would realistically have the game end shortly after 6, giving you a chance to grab a decent dinner at one of the restaurants near the park. Possibly an adult beverage or two and still get home at a decent hour. Im not sure how it is now but San Diego was once considered a prime spot for retired navy folks.
  7. never mind
  8. Dreaded double post
  9. Shades of the old APBA Baseball for Window computer game. I remember they used Ernie as the "play by play" guy back around 1995. Earnie said it was one of the toughest things he had to do. I don't think he did more than one or two seasons. A few later seasons they patched names together using his voice. Ken Caminiti always sounded strange.
  10. Morristown is on the list. Thanks
  11. So wind is making bacon expensive?.
  12. My spouse is "officially" retired but still working as a "consultant" on a couple of projects. Right now it's the best of both world since she can pretty much set her hours, depending on project. Most of our traveling this years has either been work or family related, but we mix some exploring in as well. The Fall trip is a six day drive thru Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire. Mostly centered around Revolutionary War related sites. Hopefully setting ourselves up for 2026 and the Semiquincentennial
  13. It's like the old Ginger Rodger's, Fred Astaire quote. Ginger did everything Astaire did. She did it backward and on heels. Harris did pivot somewhat to the middle from 4 years ago in the primaries. Most candidates do. I would imagine 4 years in the administration also gives one a much different perspective than someone from the outside looking in. She's running as a continuation of Biden's first term, much better than the chaos of 2017-2021
  14. So far no talk of sharks, windmills or batteries. I'm disappointed in the Harris/Walz interview. I'm disappointed
  15. https://money.howstuffworks.com/personal-finance/budgeting/dollar-store.htm
  16. Maybe if they'd stop building stores within a half mile of the competition. They're using the old philosophy of making the "customer" pass their store on the way to Dollar Tree. It's the old Advance Auto parts strategy.
  17. My resumes usually stop at the past 30 years or so. So yea I've omitted jobs like Arby's, selling minor league baseball tickets on the phone and the Springs I worked at the little greenhouse across the street.
  18. Remember, Trump wanted to invite the Taliban to Camp David for a photo-op...
  19. Long on bravado, short on facts. It's time for true Conservatives it do a party insurrection
  20. Is anybody surprised that the Trump staff went after the Arlington staffer?
  21. I can't remember where I saw this reference today but it was referring to the 1800 Presidental election where Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied on electors. There was a reference to a letter from Alexander Hamilton to Harrison Grey Otis who was a member of the House at the time (representing Massachusetts). Very appropriate for today
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