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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. So far no talk of sharks, windmills or batteries. I'm disappointed in the Harris/Walz interview. I'm disappointed
  2. https://money.howstuffworks.com/personal-finance/budgeting/dollar-store.htm
  3. Maybe if they'd stop building stores within a half mile of the competition. They're using the old philosophy of making the "customer" pass their store on the way to Dollar Tree. It's the old Advance Auto parts strategy.
  4. My resumes usually stop at the past 30 years or so. So yea I've omitted jobs like Arby's, selling minor league baseball tickets on the phone and the Springs I worked at the little greenhouse across the street.
  5. Remember, Trump wanted to invite the Taliban to Camp David for a photo-op...
  6. Long on bravado, short on facts. It's time for true Conservatives it do a party insurrection
  7. Is anybody surprised that the Trump staff went after the Arlington staffer?
  8. I can't remember where I saw this reference today but it was referring to the 1800 Presidental election where Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied on electors. There was a reference to a letter from Alexander Hamilton to Harrison Grey Otis who was a member of the House at the time (representing Massachusetts). Very appropriate for today
  9. These folks are completely bonkers, especially JD Armchair (He's not man enough to be a couch)
  10. Using your logic you can say the same about Dearborn. After all, Henry Ford was a well known sympathizer.
  11. Loved this comment
  12. All part of the plan for a new US Oligarchy
  13. I seem to remember Tony LaRussa and Dave Duncan experimenting with such a setup. I found a story.. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-07-25-sp-16700-story.html Everything old...
  14. Ones not erected by the government but by the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy
  15. Mitt’s a lot like Utah Gov Spencer Cox who has been touring the country on a campaign to “disagree better”, an attempt to bring back a bit of civility into the political discussion. Yet he has actually endorsed Trump in recent weeks. It makes no sense to me. But then maybe it’s just that Mormons are just plain weird
  16. Hasn't Romney already said that already. I remember him saying he was going to write in his wife's name on his ballot. He said considering his residence is Utah, it really doesn't matter.
  17. Just increase the roster size to 55 or so. It's not like teams are going broke
  18. Boss man insisting on watching himself on TV
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