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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. These folks are completely bonkers, especially JD Armchair (He's not man enough to be a couch)
  2. Using your logic you can say the same about Dearborn. After all, Henry Ford was a well known sympathizer.
  3. Loved this comment
  4. All part of the plan for a new US Oligarchy
  5. I seem to remember Tony LaRussa and Dave Duncan experimenting with such a setup. I found a story.. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-07-25-sp-16700-story.html Everything old...
  6. Ones not erected by the government but by the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy
  7. Mitt’s a lot like Utah Gov Spencer Cox who has been touring the country on a campaign to “disagree better”, an attempt to bring back a bit of civility into the political discussion. Yet he has actually endorsed Trump in recent weeks. It makes no sense to me. But then maybe it’s just that Mormons are just plain weird
  8. Hasn't Romney already said that already. I remember him saying he was going to write in his wife's name on his ballot. He said considering his residence is Utah, it really doesn't matter.
  9. Just increase the roster size to 55 or so. It's not like teams are going broke
  10. Boss man insisting on watching himself on TV
  11. The Walz Swiftboaters are grasping at straws.Obviously none of these folks have ever been to a dog park and if they have they probably brought along treats
  12. Meanwhile, back at the ranch
  13. Nice response.
  14. Between Fall sports and extra circulars like Band Camp (preparing for the Festival season as well as FB) summer seems to end in early August. Probably another argument for year round school with semesters, quarters or whatever broken up with several two or three week breaks. Tradition had Summer vacations so that offspring could help with the agricultural seasons (if I remember correctly). Now parents pull kids out of school for numerous reasons, mostly off season vacations.
  15. Sen Claghorne needs to retire. His fake good ol boy act is getting very stale
  16. I guess there was a group at the Minnesota State Fair called Never Walz to hand out anti-Walz material. However they forgot to register the domain. Somebody else has. https://www.neverwalz.com
  17. Son Mike spent a minute or so as an "advisor" to the Tigers around 2001 or so. If I remember correctly they picked his brain on promotions. Never a rabid Sox fan when we lived in Chicago during the 90s. My then 10 year old son's first MLB game was at Old Comiskey so he was a fan during the Frank Thomas years. I felt that I had failed as a father.
  18. It's getting to the point where they can only use music in the public domain.
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