A couple of districts started this week. My niece, who is teaching kindergarten and then following them to first grade has been at work for a couple of week now.
Up until a few years ago Virginia had a law forbidding school to start before Labor Day. It was known as the Kings Dominion/Busch Garden Law
Sure wish they'd get their story straight. Which is it the Biden Crime Family, Clinton's Murder Inc, Obama's the Godfather of the group, or is Nancy Pelosi in charge?
At least with the current GOP Mafia we know who the true Don is
They never talk about the Sermon on the Mount, or look confused when you ask them what the greatest commandment is. I blame money hungry ministers who became power hungry as well. Escalating their message from "love one another" to give us more and more money to build larger temples to themselves. Which then escalated into schools and universities as self monuments...