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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. How much of the rising cost of groceries can be attributed to the consolidation of supermarkets. The little guy who ran the local grocery store who may have been connected to a group of independent grocers is long gone. The Krogers, Food Lions, Walmarts, etc have taken over. The big guys are mostly setting the price, not the administration Have you ever seen a Republican oppose a major company merger recently?
  2. Even the campaign is admitting the ship is sinking
  3. Same city depending on which side of State St you’re located
  4. Fair enough. It’s probably my CW bias showing. I realize they’re two very different missions. I like the Ford Museum, Greenfield has always felt a bit too sterile to me.
  5. To Trump all Brown's look alike
  6. It would have been bigger for Trump if it weren't for those freedom hating fire marshals. Thousands of people were turned away. The crowds would have been bigger than the Sermon on the Mount
  7. Not exactly political but more like a peeve. The Henry Ford Museum/Greenfield Village is spending something like $30 Million to buy and move the house in Selma, Alabama that Martin Luther King planned many of his Civil Rights marches to Greenfield Villiage https://www.thehenryford.org/visit/greenfield-village/jackson-house/ While I applauded them of buying up historic buildings and adding them to their collection, I can't help but think they could find other ways to spend the money or work to refurbish the house and make it a historic site where it was actually a historic site. At the same time bring a bit of tourism to Selma and other places in the south. Maybe some sort of a Freedom Trail setup combined with similar sites. To me Greenfield Village is a hodgepodge of historic buildings bought by a quirky collector with no real rhyme or reason. After all Henry Ford original plan for the Museum and Greenfield Village was to feature and celebrate industrial growth in the United States. This doesn't seem to fall into that category. Rant over...
  8. To paraphrase King George in Hamilton....He'll be back..
  9. A real entertainer...
  10. Time has a way of giving more perspective than decisions in the heat of the moment. A Facebook friend mentioned that the Watergate Hearings began on this day in 1973. My Republican congressman at the time was on that committee (Caldwell Butler). I was a 21 year old kid. I can't imagine my current Republican Congressman doing that now.
  11. Not to mention John Kerry's "swift boating" vs GW Bush's military career.
  12. I turned it off after about 30 seconds. Looked at his eyes, there is no one home
  13. I agree, however Trump is not the only problem. Look at the conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation. They’ve all come around to even more extreme thinking than what Trump espouses. A lot very rich and powerful want it all and everyone one else be damned. And they are willing to do whatever it takes to get it. They still believe the rich will inherit the Kingdom or maybe I’ve been reading too many Daniel Silva novels
  14. Beyond weird. Downright creepy.
  15. When I start reposting Joe Walsh (the talk show guy)
  16. As a Virginian who spent nearly a third of my life in Michigan with friends who hail from Minnesota, I can vouch for this
  17. Trump is gonna love this. Can't wait for his lies
  18. Just wanted to add PBS Frontline aired a very good retrospective on Biden's career last night. I'm sure it's available on line, especially if you have the Passport App ( yes, it's a plug). I have a feeling most of what they aired was already produced before the events of previous weeks. It did point out that at least in the beginning Obama and Biden really didn't have the best relationship. Biden resented being the but of some of Obama's jokes in his speeches. He was also stung by Obama backing Clinton in 2016. Beau's death also affected him both emotionally and physically more than he lead on.
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