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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Just wanted to add PBS Frontline aired a very good retrospective on Biden's career last night. I'm sure it's available on line, especially if you have the Passport App ( yes, it's a plug). I have a feeling most of what they aired was already produced before the events of previous weeks. It did point out that at least in the beginning Obama and Biden really didn't have the best relationship. Biden resented being the but of some of Obama's jokes in his speeches. He was also stung by Obama backing Clinton in 2016. Beau's death also affected him both emotionally and physically more than he lead on.
  2. https://www.axios.com/2024/08/07/arizona-fake-elector-plea-deal-pellegrino-attorney-general?utm_campaign=editorial&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
  3. Saw some speculation that Holder could become Chief of Staff if she wins. Regarding the VP selection, I think I read that Harris "bonded" better with Walz during their meeting. I would think given to what we're reading about Shapiro that he would probably prefer a cabinet position to being Vice President. Or he could spend the next 6 plus years as a Governor.
  4. Spent a bit of time along the "River Road" even eastern Iowa is nice country. Sorry to hear that Brietbach's had burned and closed a few years back.
  5. Answering my own question. I guess it wouldn't be bad for players. The Athletic has a write up and graphic that shows how Cincinnati's Great American Park would fit in comfortably.
  6. Can we talk about JD's Iraq tour where he basically served as a chauffeur for reporters?
  7. Faron Young made Willie a lot of money on that song
  8. That's got to be a strange setup for baseball. Pretty much akin to the Dodgers playing in the Rose Bowl stadium
  9. I liked him on national games. It was a travesty he got kicked out of Baltimore.
  10. Orange Man really deep into conspiracy weeds.
  11. AOC and Manchin approve. Dogs sleeping with cats??
  12. Drudge is going all out
  13. He clicks a lot of tabs for me. 24 year Army Natl Guard, gI believe he was a Master Sgt vs a guy who spent one tour in Iraq as a desk jockey. Went from a A rating from the NRA to an F currently. Not full out anti gun but does believe in tight ownership controls. His school lunch programs in Minnesota vs a party that claims to be pro life up until right after a child is born. I hope he debates Vance
  14. Do they have annoying bachelorette parties?
  15. worlds-smallest-violin-made-with-Voicemod.mp3
  16. Clemente's arm was better in RF
  17. Trump basically ran for President because Obama made jokes about him at a press banquet
  18. Mine was a reaction to something I did vs a chore I was supposed to be doing. There was a broken window involved if I remember correctly (60 plus years ago). The clothes prop was also rotted
  19. My mother once broke a wooden clothesline prop over my backside. I probably deserved it at the time.
  20. I remember coal fired furnaces. What a pain in the but. Had to shovel the coal into the basement, we didn't have a shute, then shovel out the ashes. No wonder my lungs are a mess.
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